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Actions to date: The Council decided that students with Packed lunches should queue the same as all other students in the Hall. SLT agreed!

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Presentation on theme: "Actions to date: The Council decided that students with Packed lunches should queue the same as all other students in the Hall. SLT agreed!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Actions to date: The Council decided that students with Packed lunches should queue the same as all other students in the Hall. SLT agreed!

2 Actions to date: The Council requested that Music be played more often in the School Hall on a lunch time. SLT agreed!

3 Actions to date: The Council met with Kelly “the Cook” and discussed Food options for Break and Lunch. It was agreed to conduct a whole school survey.

4 Actions to date: The Council raised the issue of queue jumping at lunch time and staff have been asked by SLT to be more vigilant.

5 Actions to date: The Council requested that soap be placed in the Boys toilets for hygiene purposes. SLT agreed but asked that all boys be sensible and not abuse the situation.

6 Actions to date: Mrs Robbins was appointed Link Governor for the School Council.

7 Actions to date: Council agreed that students should feedback to SLT at a meeting. This is happening.

8 Actions to date: Council agreed to create a Poster to go alongside the re-valuer machines informing students of what to do if?. SLT agreed!

9 Actions to date: Council requested a third revaluer. SLT agreed to monitor queues as a third revaluer would cost about £2500.

10 Actions to date: Council agreed that 4 students would work with Mrs Whitehead on Information points.

11 Actions to date: Council requested an access gate at the back of the school but this was declined due to Safeguarding issues and protecting the site. Council was informed it was in the plans for the new school.

12 Actions to date: Council completed a Curriculum review with Mr Lumsdon and requested that the school consider introducing Drama. SLT agreed to consider it.

13 Actions to date: Council agreed hat the main charity it wanted to sponsor this academic year was “Small Steps- Seize the Day” and agreed to hold a non-uniform day in the summer to raise funds for this and “Coco”

14 Actions to date: Council agreed to purchase badges and display names on the website, newsletter and a display board to raise the profile of the Council and make sure all students know who to approach if they have any suggestions or concerns.

15 Actions to date: Council requested more information on the Chat Room to be shared with students. SLT agreed to do this via a notice board, assemblies and form period.

16 Actions to date: Council agreed to meet once per month on the first Thursday. Council also agreed that a Family Council meeting should be held once per half term.

17 Actions to date: Council agreed that elections for the School Council should be held every October.

18 Actions to date: Council requested that more themed events should be held at lunch times such as Chinese / Mexican etc. Kelly “the Cook” confirmed that this would be the case.

19 Actions to date: Council requested that students be given access to their school documents from home and receive school e mail addresses. SLT confirmed that a new Learning Gateway is under development.

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