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The War of 1812 Chapter 6.4.

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1 The War of 1812 Chapter 6.4

2 BIG IDEAS MAIN IDEA: War broke out again between the United States and Britain in 1812 WHY IT MATTERS NOW: The War of confirmed American Independence and strengthened nationalism

3 War Hawks Demand War During Jefferson’s presidency (re-election in 1804) renewed fighting between France and Great Britain threatened American shipping. 1807 G.B. seized over 1000 U.S. ships and France seized around 500. Britain set up a blockade around Napoleon’s Europe

4 American’s Anger with Britain
Most American’s focused their anti-war feelings towards G.B. Britain had been practicing impressment or the seizing of Americans at sea and forcing them into the British Army In response Jefferson and Congress declared an embargo—ban on exporting products to other countries. This was eventually changed to only exclude France and Britain

5 Native American Troubles
William Henry Harrison, the Gov. of Indiana territory invited Native American leaders to Fort Wayne and convinced them to sign away 3 million acres of land Native Americans were angered by the trickery Tecumseh lead a group to create a confederacy. He and other Natives fought back against Harrison while at the same time convincing the British to supply them with weapons

6 War hawks Harrison struck back against the Shawnee tribe during Tecumseh’s absence at the battle of Tippecanoe This made him a national hero for his victory and the discovery that the natives were receiving support from British Canada War Hawks wanted to go to war with G.B.– this was lead by John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay in the House of Representatives

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