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ANXIETY DISORDERS Anxiety disorders are a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety.

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Presentation on theme: "ANXIETY DISORDERS Anxiety disorders are a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANXIETY DISORDERS Anxiety disorders are a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety.

2 Four principle types of anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorders Phobic Disorders Panic Disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

3 Causes Biological Factors –Heart Conditions –Neurotransmitters –Genetic Conditioning –Classical / Operant Stress –High Stress –Dramatic increase in stress

4 Generalized Anxiety Disorder – marked by a chronic, high level of anxiety that is not tied to any specific threat. Worry constantly about yesterday’s mistakes and tomorrow’s problems. Dread decisions and brood over them endlessly Physical symptoms – trembling, muscle tension, diarrhea, dizziness, faintness, sweating, heart palpitations.

5 Phobic Disorder – marked by a persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger. Most people understand that their fear is irrational, but still are unable to control it. Many of the same physical signs as Generalized Anxiety Disorder when confronted with their phobia.

6 Panic Disorder – characterized by recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that will usually occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Attacks can be paralyzing. After a number of attacks victims can become apprehensive and become afraid to leave home. Agoraphobia – fear of going out to public places –Become prisoners of their homes –Most are women, with onset during late adolescents and early adulthood.

7 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder- marked by persistent, uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to engage in senseless rituals (compulsions). Obsessions often center around personal failures, suicide, sexual acts and sometimes inflicting harm on others. Compulsions usually involve rituals that temporarily relieve anxiety. Ex. Constant washing of hands, repetitive cleaning of things, rechecking locks or other items.

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