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Topic # 17 -Unit 3 Conflict between the Northern and Southern States RAP: Explain how the Great Compromise was a combination of the New Jersey and Virginia.

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1 Topic # 17 -Unit 3 Conflict between the Northern and Southern States RAP: Explain how the Great Compromise was a combination of the New Jersey and Virginia Plans. Lesson Goal: Students will be able to explain: 1.the conflicts about protective tariffs and slavery they were resolved.

2 Compare/Contrast Northern States Explain the economy of the Northern States What was their position on tariffs? What was their position on slavery? Southern States Explain the economy of the Southern States What was their position on tariffs? What was their position on slavery?

3 WIO What reason did the Framers have for compromising on the issue of slavery and tariffs? Do you agree or disagree that the compromise violated fundamental principles? Why?

4 Compare/Contrast Northern States Explain the economy of the Northern States –The Northern states had a more diversified economy. Some people in the North worked as farmers, fishermen, merchants, and bankers. Others manufactured goods or worked as laborers. The North was also a center for shipbuilding and trade with other nations. The North competed with Great Britain’s shipping and manufacturing industries. The Northern economy did not depend on slave labor. Southern States Explain the economy of the Southern States –The southern states were almost exclusively agricultural and shipped most of their products to Great Britain and other European nations. Southerners bought most of their manufactured goods from Great Britain. Their economy depended on slave labor.

5 Compare/Contrast Northern States What was their position on tariffs? –Because the Northern states competed with Great Britain in manufacturing products, Northerners believed that placing tariffs on British products would raise the prices of British goods and encourage Americans to buy goods made in the North. Southern States What was their position on tariffs? –Southerners argued that the tariffs would increase the cost of goods Southerners bought from European nations and that the tariffs unfairly favored the North. Southerners also feared that Great Britain might retaliate by placing tariffs on agricultural products grown in the South, thus making their products harder to sell in Europe.

6 Bell Work – Wednesday 4/11 Explain the following quote by James Madison, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.”

7 Compare/Contrast Northern States What was their position on slavery? –Most of the Northern states had officially put an end to slavery by the time of the Philadelphia Convention, but its actual practice in the Northern states continued into the mid-1800s. The majority of Framers from the Northern states, however, were opposed to slavery. Southern States What was their position on slavery? –Southern farmers were financially dependent on slavery and wanted it to continue. Southerners wanted each state to determine this issue for itself. Some delegates from the South stated that they would not be part of a union that denied the right to own and import slaves.

8 What compromise did the Framers reach on issues of tariffs and slavery? The Framers agreed that Congress would have the power to impose and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, and would regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the states, and with Indian tribes. They agreed that the federal government would not end slavery before 1808. The Framers also agreed to count three-fifths of slaves when deciding how many representatives a state would send to the House of Representatives. They included the fugitive slave clause, which forced residents of states where slavery was illegal to hand over any slaves who had escaped from states where slavery was allowed.

9 What reason did the Framers give for compromising on the issue of slavery? The Framers compromised on the issue of slavery to satisfy the demands of some of the Southern states. These states would not have supported the Constitution without this compromise. The Framers believed that it was more important to bind the states together into one nation than to prohibit slavery.

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