J.Bibby--Oxford1 LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops MaPMT Electronics Schemes. MaPMT Analogue.MaPMT Analogue. MaPMT Analogue-Digital 1.MaPMT Analogue-Digital.

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Presentation on theme: "J.Bibby--Oxford1 LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops MaPMT Electronics Schemes. MaPMT Analogue.MaPMT Analogue. MaPMT Analogue-Digital 1.MaPMT Analogue-Digital."— Presentation transcript:

1 J.Bibby--Oxford1 LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops MaPMT Electronics Schemes. MaPMT Analogue.MaPMT Analogue. MaPMT Analogue-Digital 1.MaPMT Analogue-Digital 1. MaPMT Analogue-Digital 2.MaPMT Analogue-Digital 2. MaPMT Binary.MaPMT Binary. Conceptual Schemes.Conceptual Schemes. – 8*2 module. – 4*4 module. Summary and Discussion???Summary and Discussion??? The Costs and number of items is not raised here (Requires more time)The Costs and number of items is not raised here (Requires more time)

2 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops2 MaPMT Analogue. 2*8 or 4*4 Module MaPMT Module Cu Data Links Level-0 Interface. Level-1 DAQ. COTs Receivers, FPGAs, Memory. Rad Hard Line drivers RAD HARD TTC,ECS, Power Supplies FPGA-MINT. 1 TTCrx; 1 MINT; ECS; Drivers/receivers. Links—twisted pair copper. 32 pairs per module. Common L-1 Module or our own. If we use our own then current expertise is not wasted. Front-end will need to be re-designed. Note that if L-1 is Located in the Cavern area then Level-1 may have to be Rad tolerant. Distance and location of L-1 Electronics from L-0. ( COTS To Be or Not To Be??) 60Metres!!!!Distance 16 MaPMTs +DividerChain +BEETLE.

3 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops3 Packing and Synchronising the data into the L-1 Buffers. TTC without the QPLL will be required. Number of Channels/L-1 module??? Analogue Block Diag. MaPMT-1 BEETLE/Output Buffers FADC MaPMT-2 MINT TTC/ECS. Power Supply Filtering. HT and LV. 4Off Twisted pair/BEETLE (32 off per L-0 module). 8 bits CLK./Trig

4 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops4 MaPMT Analogue. Notes: Power dissipation/L-0 module~ (10+)Watts Power dissipation /L-0 interface = Copper links. (1) Costs = Total number of links = Total link costs. (2) = Distance for links is Limited. <60Metres. S/N degrade over such a long distance in copper. Implications on the Level-1 electronics. Many copper cables around detector plane. Restriction on cooling and access. Fragile and bulky connectors!!. BUT. Raw data available—But note S/N above. TTCrx only required (No QPLL). MINT expertise available.

5 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops5 MaPMT Analogue-Digital-1. 2*8 or 4*4 Module MaPMT Module Cu Data Links Level-0 Interface. Level-1 DAQ. COTs Receivers, FPGAs, Memory. Rad Hard Line drivers RAD HARD TTC,ECS, Power Supplies, FPGA- MINT. 1 TTCrx; MINT1; ECS; Drivers/receivers. Links—twisted pair copper. 32 pairs per module. Common L-1 Module or our own. If we use our own then current expertise is not wasted. Front-end will need to be re-designed.. Distance and location of Fibre driver Electronics from L-0. <40Metres!!!!Distance 16 MaPMTs+BEETLE +Divider Chain. FADC-GOLS-MINT2-Trigger QPLL/TTCrx!! 8 fibre links/module. Fibre Data Links <60Metres!!!!

6 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops6 Analogue-Digital-1 Block Diag MaPMT-1 BEETLE/Output Buffers FADC MaPMT-2 MINT1 TTC/ECS. Power Supply Filtering. HT and LV. 4Off Twisted pair/BEETLE (32 off per L-0 module). 8 bits CLK./Trig Level-1 located at Control Room. Number of Channels/L-1 module??? TTC/QPLL GOL MINT2 8*1Off/module Power Supply Filtering..

7 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops7 Analogue-Digital-1. Notes: Similar to MaPMT analogue except: –Two Interface/module regions before L-1. –Simple Rad hard MINT1. –Level-1 can be located in the counting room –L-0 more expensive—L-1 less -- –Will require (Rad Tolerant!!)MINT2. –TTCrx plus TTCrx/QPLL. –More interconnections—(Recipe for disaster) –Additional power supply infrastructure. In its favour—L-1 is counting room based.

8 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops8 MaPMT Analogue-Digital-2. 2*8 or 4*4 Module MaPMT Module Data Links Level-0 Interface. Level-1 DAQ. COTs De-Serialisers, FPGAs, Memory. FIBRE RAD HARD TTC,ECS, FADC, GOLS, VCSELs. Power Supplies FPGA-MINT. 1 TTCrx; 1 MINT; ECS; Drivers/receivers. Links—Fibre 8 per module. Common L-1 Module or our own. If we use our own then current expertise is not wasted. Front-end will need to be re-designed. Distance and location of L-1 Electronics from L-0. ( COTS To Be). 100MetresDistance 16 MaPMTs +BEETLE Divider Chain.

9 J.Bibby--Oxford9 LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops Analogue-Digital-2 Block Diag. MaPMT-1 BEETLE/Output Buffers FADC MaPMT-2 MINT GOL/VCSEL TTC/QPLL ECS. Power Supply Filtering. HT and LV. Serialised Data to L-1 32 bits 8 bits DW/CW CLK. De-serialise/checking and packing the data into the L-1 Buffers. TTC/QPLL will be required. Number of Channels/module???

10 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops10 Analogue-Digital-2. Notes : Scheme shows block for one BEETLEs worth. The scheme also assumes that the dynamic range for the FADC is 8 bits. Channel, Pipeline address and baseline offsets need to be considered. The GOLs have to function in 32:1 mode. TTC/QPLL will be necessary. One module to contain 16 MaPMTs, 8 BEETLEs, 8fibres—decision?? Major cost items will be the support board (BLEEDER/BEETLE) and the fibres. Power per module-->12Watts!!! To be properly calculated. Constraints on design/layout due to necessary cooling scheme(s). Feasible?—Design studies required on the BLEEDER/BEETLE/L-0 interface board. Can they mechanically fit into RICH 1 and 2. Other major electronics items have been evaluated by various LHCb groups (IT- MUON). Available FPGA expertise for the MINT. Rad hard ACTEL type device needs to be resolved---. Power supply and distribution schemes need to be designed and evaluated----- Data fibres to be defined—we should collaborate with IT and Muons on this. Basic architecture is similar to IT—we could collaborate on RAD Hard qualification. Level-1 design is an evolvement of the current Binary design. “X” fibre channels per module. De-serialiser could be the Texas TLK2501IRCP

11 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops11 2*8 or 4*4 or 2*16 Module MaPMT Module Data Links Level-0 Level-1 DAQ. COTs De-Serialiser, FPGAs, Memory. RAD HARD TTC,ECS, GOLS,VCSELs. Power Supplies FPGA-MINT. 1 TTCrx; 1 MINT; ECS; Drivers/receivers. Links—Fibre 1 per module. Common L-1 Module or our own. If we use our own then current expertise is not wasted. Front-end will need to be re-designed. Distance and location of L-1 Electronics from L-0. 100MetresDistance 16 or 32 MaPMT+BEETLE +Divider Chain. MaPMT Binary. GOL/VCSEL One per module.

12 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops12 Binary Block Diag. MaPMT-1 BEETLE/Output Buffers MaPMT-2 MINT GOL/VCSEL TTC/QPLL ECS. Power Supply Filtering. HT and LV. Serialised Data to L-1 32 bits DW/CW CLK. De-serialise/checking and packing the data into the L-1 Buffers. TTCrx will be required. Number of Channels/module??? Use currently developed module. 32 links/module 1 Fibre/module

13 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops13 Binary Notes: BEETLE has to be shown to work in this mode. What is the spread in gain over all MaPMTs and within an MaPMT. The BEETLE Fine discriminator threshold range, for each channel, will have to match these—this issue may take some time to be settled!!!! Is the expected photon efficiency acceptable when using MaPMTs in the Binary mode. Current expertise within the RICH group on Fibres, L-0 and L-1 can be built-on to get such a system quickly up and running.

14 J.Bibby--OxfordLHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops 14 Modularity. 8*2 Module. (Conceptual) MaPMTs. BLEEDER/BEETLE.. BEETLEs BUFFER/DRIVERs. LEVEL-0 Interface.

15 J.Bibby--OxfordLHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops 15 Modularity. 4*4 Module (Conceptual) MaPMTs. BLEEDER/BEETLE.. BEETLEs BUFFER DRIVERs. LEVEL-0 Interface.

16 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops16 Summarise (Discussion) Schemes. –Outline Major differences. –Location of L-1. –Link lengths. –Power supplies. –Cooling. –Maintenance/accessibility Links. –Fibre Link costs (3) (each)=252CH –Copper Link costs (4) –Total number FED range. –Assume 8 bits.????(See next slide) Modularity –MaPMT. (16 off) –8*2 or 4*4. BLEEDER/BEETLE –L-0 Interface –Links. –L-1 On-Detector Cooling. –~10 watts per BLEEDER/BEETLE module. –~ 2 watts per Level-0 Interface Preference—Flag –Analogue Digital-2. COSTS--------------------------- –More work effort required for this.

17 J.Bibby--Oxford LHCb RICH MaPMT Electronics Workshops17 BEETLE 1.2 Baseline.

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