OCR National ICT - AO4 Business Documents – Flyer.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR National ICT - AO4 Business Documents – Flyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR National ICT - AO4 Business Documents – Flyer

2 Goals for Today Understand keywords for the lesson and be able to match the keyword to the description. Become familiar with Microsoft Publisher to enable you to start and create an A5 flyer. Insert cancer research logo and text into the flyer.

3 Creating an A5 flyer Create an A5 flyer advertising a charity auction next month to raise money for Cancer research UK. Include graphics collected from the Internet, ClipArt and at least one picture taken using a digital camera or scanned in. Annotate the printout to show the features of your chosen software that you have used and provide screenshots showing where the graphics have come from. Distinction Only: Include a graphic created using a drawing package e.g Fireworks.

4 What should you include in your flyer? Details of the auction Date Time Venue An auction of what? SWS Logo Cancer Research Logo Contact Details Appropriate pictures Other information about the event.

5 SWS Details here Event Detail -Text -pictures Event Title Example flyer layout and flyer

6 Things to Consider Consistency between all documents (business card, letter, flyer and newsletter) Consistency between all documents (business card, letter, flyer and newsletter) Appropriate font Appropriate colour Appropriate size Formal writing. Professional layout Spelling and grammar check! The same style of font, colour, size etc should be used on EVERY document created in AO4

7 Main Task Task 1: Collect Images: From: Clipart, The Internet, Scanner Based on what type of auction you are advertising. 1 Image: http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ Screenshot to show where you have found them. Use a sources table to record your findings Task 2: Use a scanner To obtain an image. Screenshot to show how you have done this. Task 3: Create your leaflet Begin creating your leaflet.

8 Macromedia Fireworks (Adobe) Create a Fireworks Graphics for the title in your flyer Screenshot and explain showing how you did it.

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