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The Colonies in 3 parts The differences between the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and the Southern Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "The Colonies in 3 parts The differences between the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and the Southern Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colonies in 3 parts The differences between the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and the Southern Colonies

2 The Southern colonies quickly developed an economy based on agriculture. To facilitate the types of crops grown, a plantation system was developed.

3 Tobacco primarily was grown at first, but indigo and rice quickly followed.

4 At first indentured servants were used to work the labor-intensive farms. But not enough of them were coming to the colonies, and soon, a new problem emerged: what to do with them after they had served their contract?

5 Tidewater Virginia is the most poplulous area of Virginia at this time. Other areas were called “back country.” Soon the back-country was all owned and the only solution to get more land was to take it from the Natives. This was unpleasant to the wealthy owners of the tidewater. They would not allow it. Thus began Bacon’s Rebellion.

6 A relative of the governour of Virgina raised an army of backcountry farmers and inteneded to invade the Natives’ land. They wanted the land, but were also upset with corruption. Although it failed ultimately. Virginia now supported expansion into Native territory, and the importation of slaves to replace the indentured servants.

7 Soon thousands, houndreds of thousands, even millions of enslaved Africans would come to the shores of the English colonies.

8 In contrast, the soil in New England is not very good. It was very rocky, lacking in minerals, and the growing season was short.

9 The Northeast did have great forests. Lumber was a big industry and since the colonies were close to the ocean, shipbuilding was a natural industry. Having the fall line close to the coast meant that they could have sawmills to cut their lumber (and other kinds of mills as well.)

10 A large ship-building industry meant that they had a large fishing and Whaling fleet.

11 Soon a triangluar trade developed which pleased most everyone, but Great Britain in particular. This was because of the ideas of mercantilism: the theory that country should accumulate great wealth through the acquisition of gold and silver.

12 The perfect way to quickly accumulate this wealth was to trade with a colony to acquire its raw materials for your own finished goods.

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