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*A landlocked country in Eastern Europe Near *Latvia *Russia *Ukraine *Poland *Lithuania.

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2 *A landlocked country in Eastern Europe Near *Latvia *Russia *Ukraine *Poland *Lithuania

3 National Flag The national flag is a rectangular cloth consisting of two longitudinal stripes: red upper stripe and green lower stripe that are two-thirds and one-third of the flag width respectively.

4 Language Use: Belarusian Russian Ethnic Make-up: Belarusian:81.2%, Russian:11.4%, Pole:3.9%, Ukrainian:2.4%

5 National costume is still popular in Belarus but usually worn only on festival days and for celebrations.


7 Vodka ( 伏特加 )(harelka) is the main strong drink consumed in Belarus. Vodka is widely consumed on special occasions and holidays. Belarus dishes are typically based on local vegetables and cereals( 穀物 ), especially: potatoes beetroot ( 紅菜頭 ) mushrooms berries barley ( 大麥 )

8 Belarusian zakuski Many traditional Belarusian dishes are potato based, including: potato dumplings thick potato pancakes (draniki) baked grated potato pie (babka) Potato dishes are often stuffed or accompanied with vegetables, mushrooms or meat.

9 The people of Belarus are a kind, friendly and good humored nation. In the streets of Minsk Most students usually go to parties or discos or bars to socialize. It is not polite to be drunk in public.

10 National holidays which are noworking days DateEnglish NameLocal NameRemarks January 1New YearНовы год (Novy Hod) January 7OrthodoxOrthodox Christmas Каляды праваслаўныя (Kalady pravasłaŭnyja) March 8International Women's Day Мiжнародны жаночы дзень (Mižnarodny žanočy dzień) May 1International Labor DayLabor DayДзень працы (Dzień Pracy) May 9Victory Day Дзень Перамогi (Dzień Pieramohi) Marks the victory against Germany in World War IIWorld War II July 3Independence Day Дзень Незалежнасцi (Dzień Niezaležnasci) Adopted in 1996 November 7October Revolution Day Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі December 25Catholic ChristmasChristmas Каляды каталiцкiя (Kalady katalickija)

11 For meeting for the first time or for someone for whom it is necessary to show respect, you say “Zdrastvuichi”. In a less formal situation such as meeting friends, one would simply say Priviyet! Belarusians tend to say what they mean and what they are thinking but never directly to the person they are thinking about.

12 Belarusians tend to look at each other in the eye when speaking. Between men and women in non-business situations, making a lot of eye contact may be misinterepreted as flirting( 調情 ) or the like.

13 Gifts usually mean corruption so it is best to avoid any gifts at initial meetings. Students tend to dress upscale casual at most schools. Grades are usually give on a scale from 1-10. 8 is very good, possibly an "A". 7 is a "B" and 5 or 6 is "C". To receive a 9 or 10 means extra special work has been done.

14 Belarusians prefer to point to something with one finger. On time means on time. However, things break and other inconveniences happen all the time.Nobody tends to apologize and these inconveniences are expected to be understood without explanation.

15 21 is the legal drinking age. A teenager of 18 ironically( 諷刺的 ) can buy vodka or beer or cigarettes but can't actually drink it. There are strong penalties for drug abuse

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