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 Discussed in a previous class with Mrs. McGuiness, you talked about the Crusades ◦ To recap, they were religious wars waged between European Christians.

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2  Discussed in a previous class with Mrs. McGuiness, you talked about the Crusades ◦ To recap, they were religious wars waged between European Christians and Eastern Muslims ◦ Though they were incredibly violent, there was actually a great deal of positives that came from it ◦ Increased interactions between East and West was a major factor in the development of medieval Europe

3  Both the East and West were trading very heavily with one another now ◦ The goods Europeans desired were spices (because English food tasted terrible), silk (because English clothes were itchy), and sugar (again, English food tasted terrible). ◦ Merchants would make the journey often on food and cart, but later by trade ships as technology advanced

4  Ever heard of Medieval Fairs? That LARP thing? ◦ That’s pretty much how it happened ◦ Goods were sold in fairs and markets usually set up by lords and nobles in the Spring and Summer  Great way for peasants to get new things, see the newest styles, gossip, and socialize

5  Exposure to these eastern goods slowly caused peasants to realize they could make many of the goods themselves! ◦ They could make and sell them to get out of the peasant life! ◦ Learned trade skills, and taught them to others ◦ This is an example of “social mobility”  The ability of individuals to move around in the economic and social class, not be stuck forever as one thing or another (like a peasant)

6  Fairs were seasonal, meaning they only happened once or twice a year ◦ This meant many goods weren’t available all year round ◦ This necessity and demand for goods promoted the growth of towns where shops would be permanent ◦ And this would lead to the creation of the Craft Guild System

7  Simply put, they’re like modern day unions ◦ Specialized trades (blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, tanning, tailoring, etc.), where each specific trade was organized by experts ◦ These would become the guilds  Set standards of quality for their goods, set the prices, kept unskilled people from selling goods, and eliminated competition (made a monopoly)  Helped members with health and death benefits  Moved to other towns, controlling larger territory somewhat like what the mob did in the 20s

8  Take 3 minutes to check your phones, talk to your friends, or rest for a bit  Activity to follow

9  Each of you will be given an assigned role ◦ Guild Master ◦ Journeyman ◦ Applicant  At the beginning, each guild master will sit at one of the tables in the front of the classroom  In front of them will sit the two Journeymen within the same guild  Applicants will be given resumes with specific skills, and they will try to apply to the guilds

10  Journeymen will each select 2-3 applicants they believe posses the skills they are looking for ◦ After they have selected the applicants, they will hand the resumes to the Guild Master, who will ultimately choose one applicant to join the guild ◦ After each Guild Master has chosen, we will see who they picked, and why  We will do this activity two or three times, with people changing roles each round.

11  What qualities were most sought after and why?  Why did some groups reject some applicants, and other groups didn’t?  How are skills and abilities of people organized and accepted today?  What kinds of requirements are needed for you to get a job today?

12  There will be a quiz on Friday, based on the first 4 classes (Lineage, Knighthood Chivalry Heraldry, Castles, and the 100 Years War) ◦ We will go over the format and expectations next class ◦ The Coat of Arms assignment is also due this week so please hand that in if you haven’t already by Friday at the latest.

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