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Social Media Dan Elder, CKMP Collaboration Specialist and Digital Media Advisor

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Dan Elder, CKMP Collaboration Specialist and Digital Media Advisor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Dan Elder, CKMP Collaboration Specialist and Digital Media Advisor

2 Social Media “is” Advertising Social Media Trends and Best Practices A Roadmap to Build a Successful Web 2.0 Strategy Dan Elder, CKMP Topsarge Business Solutions

3 Social Media “is” Advertising  State of Social Media  What is Social Media  Survey Results and Insights  What Does Web 2.0 Mean for Your Business  Understanding What and How  Key Strategies for Success  Best Practices and Practical Advice Agenda

4 Social Media “is” Advertising Web 2.0 Enterprise 2.0 Communities User Generated Content Social Networking blogs wikis gadgets facebook ratings What is Social Media?

5 Social Media “is” Advertising  Collaboration  Video  Photo Sharing  Social Networks  Search  Conversations  Syndication  Social Bookmarks  Blogs  Audio Social Media Landscape

6 Social Media Awareness Only 14% of organizations have 2 years of experience with social media. 50% have started their social media initiatives in the last two years. 23% have plans of using social media in the future but have not started. 13% have no plans for using social media soon. Social Media is No Longer “New” There is no doubt social media is important. It has changed the way people communicate, and It has changed business forever. And it has changed very quickly. The data shows manyt companies are just getting their feet wet. Social Media is today like the Web was in the 90’s – everyone knew they need to use the web, manyt were unsure how

7 Social Media Awareness Today, 93% of organizations surveyed are using at least one social media tool as part of their marketing plan Why use Social Media Awareness & New Marketing Labs, 2009 Survey of 623 marketing executives at mid to large corporations

8 Social Media “is” Advertising  Low Cost Marketing  We HAVE to Do It  Getting Traction Why According to a Center for Media Research report 50+ percent of Marketers were using Using Social Media in 2010

9 Social Media “is” Advertising What People Are Saying “Online users spend 22.7% of their time on social networking sites. That’s twice as much time as we spend on any other online activity.” “You have to go to where the people are and attach yourself to what they want to do." “Even a relatively small investment in social media marketing can have major payoffs for businesses of all sizes..” Blue Fountain Media Jennifer Van Grove, Gist David Carlick, VantagePoint Venture Partners

10 Social Media “is” Advertising Evolution of Social Media

11 Social Media “is” Advertising Effectiveness Only 12% would rate their Web 2.0 initiatives as Effective

12 Social Media “is” Advertising Companies feel that Web 2.0/social media should be part of their branding/marketing but are still unsure about:  What are most effective things to do  Why they would use Web 2.0 and how to measure effectiveness  How to set up the best Web 2.0 approach to fit the company Effectiveness Raises Question on Measurement

13 Social Media “is” Advertising The data suggests most companies are using social media tactically. Very few have a strategy in place, the guidelines, processes, focus and metrics to succeed long term. Organizational Maturity Almost 40 % of surveyed have no social media process or strategy in place. Only 23% have a strategy document.

14 Social Media “is” Advertising Tools vs. Strategy

15 Social Media “is” Advertising Social Media will be pervasive in the modern organization. A tool to engage  Employees  Partners  Customers Beyond Engaging Customers Twitter lags behind other social media tools, but with 500m users, Facebook clearly stands out. Our belief is that the tools are secondary.

16 What Does Web 2.0 Mean for Your Company?

17 Social Media “is” Advertising  Social Media is a new way of engaging and interacting with customers, partners and employees  It’s about People - Shifting Control to Customers  Broadcasting versus Participation  From formal announcements (press releases) from organizations to real-time micro-updates (tweets) by individuals A New Business Paradigm

18 Social Media “is” Advertising  Transparency and Authenticity  Participation, Listening and Acting  Quantity and Quality of Information – Value to Noise Ratios  Social media is important and requires investment A Mind-Shift and a New Culture

19 Social Media “is” Advertising For 57% of organizations it is important or very important to combine social and enterprise content  Social Media supports a strategy  A customer service/customer support strategy  A marketing strategy  A product development strategy  Etc.  It is about an Integrated Experience  Social marketing will be a required skill Social Media is Not a Strategy

20 Social Media “is” Advertising  Web 2.0 is about an explosion of information  Content is only useful when it is relevant and timely  Finding the right content is critical  How much content about your brand exists online?  Make it easy to find on your site  Integrate content and search  Syndicate out  Consolidate content in Unlocking the Value of Content 73% of surveyed organizations said Search was important or very important

21 Successful Strategies Guidelines and Recommendations

22 Social Media “is” Advertising  People  Strategy  Measurement  Resourcing  Promotion 5 Steps to Success

23 Social Media “is” Advertising 1. Get People On Board

24 Social Media “is” Advertising  It’s about people  Acquire the right skills  Or hire the people who get it  It’s a culture shift – you have to live it  Get executive buy-in  Requires engagement and passion 1. Get People On Board

25 “Companies that are venturing into social media need to understand that onyone who recieves a paycheck can affect the company’s strategies” - Liana Evans, Social Media Marketing

26 Social Media “is” Advertising 2. Develop a Strategy

27 Social Media “is” Advertising  Can you create a community?  It may already exist  You can foster and promote  Create versus participate  Start a dialog with your customers  Find out your customers’ interests  Leverage your existing community  Find out who are the influencers  Plan for the long term  Milestones – it will take some time  Social media guidelines 2. Develop a Strategy

28 Social Media “is” Advertising  Customer Expectations for the Web Personal Social Multi-Channel Immersive

29 Social Media “is” Advertising The challenge is to unlock the value of your content. Search Content is King

30 Social Media “is” Advertising 3. Clear Goals and Metrics

31 Social Media “is” Advertising  3. Clear Goals and Metrics Social Media is ambiguous What is your strategy? What will you measure? How much to invest? Best Practices 1.Hire someone who understands social media. 2.Establish a strategy with defined milestones. 3.Measure clicks, influence, buzz. 4.Focus on business results.

32 Social Media “is” Advertising  Marketing  Leads, engagement, conversion  Corporate Communications & Public Relations  Listening, influence, awareness  Customer Support  Time to resolution, issues resolved - cost savings  Human Resources  Ramp-up, time to productivity, retention  Knowledge Management  Productivity, agility, efficiency  Product Development  Adoption and competitiveness Social Media Driving Business Results

33 Social Media “is” Advertising 4. Resourcing

34 Social Media “is” Advertising  Establish the tools for building and participation  Wikis, Forums, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, friendfeed, etc.  Brand consistency and control vs. participation  A platform, not tools  Establish the processes for listening  You must demonstrate you are listening  Roll out plan and guidelines  Who, How, When  Lead by example  Authenticity  Ensure you are properly staffed  Prepare for growth 4. Resourcing

35 Social Media “is” Advertising 5. Promotion

36 Social Media “is” Advertising  It’s about an integrated marketing experience  Don’t promote social media as a silo  Cross links and integration with traditional marketing  Integrate persuasive and social content  Be active – participate  Go where the conversation is  Have something interesting to say  Watch it grow, listen, react 5. Promotion

37 Social Media “is” Advertising What's next ? Consolidation Single Platfor m Govern ance Control Websit es Social Networ ks SearchVideoMobileEmailAds Game s eCom merce What's next ? ROI

38 Social Media “is” Advertising

39 Dan Elder, CKMP Collaboration Specialist and Digital Media Advisor Time Saving Tips for Social Media Management Questions Thank You Visit for details on how we can help you with your social media strategy and a copy of this presentation.www.

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