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Motivation. Mike Howard (1998) breaking the Guinness Book of World Records.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation. Mike Howard (1998) breaking the Guinness Book of World Records."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation

2 Mike Howard (1998) breaking the Guinness Book of World Records

3 What behavior’s are unacceptable in our culture? Under what conditions would you engage in them?

4 Motivation= a need or drive that energizes and directs behavior toward a goal

5 Historical Explanations: Instincts & Drives Module 26: Motivation

6 Instinct= as a theory, incomplete A complex, inherited, preprogrammed behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species. Instincts sometimes called Fixed Action Patterns

7 Drive Theory- Clark Hull We all have need that must be met. Needs prompt us to restore our balance, (homeostasis) typically reducing the drive Eating and drinking are examples of drive-reducing behaviors Also called: Drive-Reduction Theory

8 Homeostasis A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state. The regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level Any change in levels, up or down, results in being motivated to bring the level back to normal.

9 Hunger: A Closer Look: Physiology of Hunger Module 26: Motivation

10 Insulin Hormone which allows the body to use glucose for energy or fat production As insulin levels increase, glucose levels decrease.

11 Glucose Form of sugar which circulates through the body One feels hunger when the levels become low.

12 Hypothalamus Regulates appetite Monitors leptin levels

13 Hypothalamus Lateral Hypothalamus=hunger message Ventromedial Hypothalamus= stop message

14 Set Point The point at which an individual’s “weight thermostat” is supposedly set; when the body falls below this weight, an increased hunger and a lowered metabolic rate may act to restore the lost weight.

15 Hunger: A Closer Look: Eating Disorders Module 26: Motivation

16 External Incentives Include the sight, sound, and smell of food- the availability of food

17 Cultural Influences on Eating Cultural views on obesity can vary Culture influences the foods we like and dislike. The American beauty “ideal”

18 Anorexia Nervosa Anorexics put themselves on self- starvation regimens May become dangerously underweight (15% of more below normal) DO NOT loose their appetite 5-8% (lifetime) die of malnutrition related problems Most common pre-post puberty but can occur following any life trauma Evidence of genetic trait

19 Bulimia Nervosa An eating disorder characterized by episodes of overeating – usually of high-calorie foods - followed by vomiting, use of laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise. 5% of college women Hair loss-heart irregularities-tooth erosion-loss of sex drive-anxiety- depression

20 Biological Explanations: Arousal Theories Module 26: Motivation

21 Arousal Levels of alertness and responsiveness

22 Yerkes-Dodson Law

23 The theory that a degree of psychological arousal helps performance, but only to a point. Optimum level of arousal depends on the difficulty of the task.

24 Sensation Seekers? Opponent Process Theory  Highest 16-20  Males more than females.  Cross cultural.  Correlates with drug use.  Related to mania.  See situations as less risky than they are.

25 Incentive Theory We are pulled toward behaviors by extrinsic rewards/incentives. Connection between incentive theory and behavioral concepts of positive & negative reinforcement and punishment.

26 Extrinsic Motivation A desire to perform a behavior because of promised rewards or threats of punishment.

27 Intrinsic Motivation A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake Self-determination theory= need for autonomy competence relatedness

28 Cognitive Explanations Module 26: Motivation

29 Cognitive Consistency Cognitive- dissonance theory says that we strive to keep our thoughts, attitudes and behavior in agreement to reduce anxiety

30 Cognitive-Evaluation Theory Edward Deci A reward perceived as providing information about a person’s competence will increase intrinsic motivation

31 Motivation Is Influenced By Perception

32 Imagine

33 Hierarchy of Needs Module 26: Motivation

34 Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) Humanistic psychologist who proposed the hierarchy of needs, with self-actualization as one of the ultimate psychological needs.

35 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

36 Henry Murray (1893-1988) Neo-Freudian who first established the concept of achievement motivation and developed important personality testing tools. TAT

37 Achievement Motivation A desire for significant accomplishment; for the mastery of things, people, or ideas; and for attaining a high standard.

38 McClelland’s Studies Studied achievement motivation using the (Murray) Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).

39 Who Are High Achievers? Persist during difficulties Delay gratification Select MODERATE challenges

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