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2 Warm-up #3 How is anxiety disorder different than just feeling anxious or worried? List three things that make you feel anxious or worried. Beside each, list how often you feel anxious or worried about that stressor. How do you cope/deal when you feel anxious or worried?

3 An uneasy feeling or the act of worrying about what may happen

4 An uneasy feeling or the act of worrying about what may happen

5 Causes? Family Problems Hormonal changes Personal relationships
Side effects of medication Stress from work/school Use of an illicit drug Financial stress Competitions Serious medical illness Emotional trauma

6 Symptoms?

7 Symptoms? Stomach aches Headache Sweating Increased heart rate
Muscular tension Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation) Trembling Flushed face Feeling powerless Feeling apprhensive

8 Effects?

9 Anxiety effects both mind and body.
Symptoms? Anxiety effects both mind and body. Unable to accomplish goals Grades dropping/work decline Poor health Increased tension in relationships

10 Signs of Excessive Anxiety
Have feelings of fear or worry most of the time Be easily distracted and have difficulty concentrating Have muscle tension and be unable to relax Have changes in appetite Have difficulty falling asleep Experience physical symptoms such as headache or upset stomach

11 Types of Anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Panic Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Social Phobia

12 General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Definition: Severe, ongoing anxiety that interferes with day to day activities. Treatment methods: medication and/or therapy

13 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Definition: OCD is an anxiety disorder that leads people to performing repetitive tasks that interfere with everyday life. Treatment Methods: medication and behavioral therapy

14 Panic Disorder Definition: An involuntary anxiety or “panic” attack, triggering severe physical reactions. Treatment Methods: medication and/or therapy

15 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Treatment Methods: therapy and or medication Definition: A mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event. Symptoms may include nightmares, flashbacks and severe anxiety.

16 Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
Definition: Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed. Similar to GAD, Social Phobia can also interfere with day to day activities. Treatment methods: medication and or therapy/counseling

17 Thinking Activity You will be given a scenario
Please write down the answers to the following: What is the cause of the anxiety? Is this normal or excessive anxiety? Why or why not? List at least 3 symptoms this person is experiencing or might experience due to their anxiety? What can the person do to help control the anxiety? Be prepared to present your answers to the class. When you are finished, sit quietly and review your vocabulary for Unit #1.

18 Exit Ticket What is the difference between stress and anxiety?
Describe the difference between normal anxiety and excessive anxiety.

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