Парасоцкая Ольга Николаевна, учитель МОУ Куриловской школы Подольского района Московской области.

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Presentation on theme: "Парасоцкая Ольга Николаевна, учитель МОУ Куриловской школы Подольского района Московской области."— Presentation transcript:

1 Парасоцкая Ольга Николаевна, учитель МОУ Куриловской школы Подольского района Московской области


3 Read the words: I II III catch {[kxC] caught [kO:t] caught teach [ti:C] taught [tO:t] taught bring [briN] brought [brO:t] brought buy [baI] bought [bO:t] bought fight [faIt] fought [fO:t] fought think [TINk] thought [TO:t] thought build [bIld] built [bIlt] built send [send] sent [sent] sent spend [spend] spent [spent] spent

4 Read the words: I II III meet [mi:t] met [met] met leave [li:v] left [left] left find [faInd] found [faVnd] found get [get] got [gOt] got have [hxv] had [hxd] had


6 1)– Their house is now yellow! - Yes, they ______________________ (paint). - Yes, they ______________________ (paint). 2) – He knows everything about Moscow. - I think he does. He ___________ (be) there many times. - I think he does. He ___________ (be) there many times. 3) – John, your car looks so clean! - It should be. I ___________________ (wash). - It should be. I ___________________ (wash). 4) – Your grandparents are tired. - Yes, they _________________ (come) back from the shops. - Yes, they _________________ (come) back from the shops. 5) – Does Harry know about it? - Yes, I _______________ (give) him a call. - Yes, I _______________ (give) him a call. 6) – Is the book interesting? - I don’t know yet. I _____ just _____(begin) reading it. - I don’t know yet. I _____ just _____(begin) reading it. 7) - Roy knows nothing about our meeting. 7) - Roy knows nothing about our meeting. - Sorry. I ________________ (not, speak) to him yet. - Sorry. I ________________ (not, speak) to him yet.



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