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Legacy of Civil War Reconstruction. Political Changes Economic Changes Costs of War Warfare Changes Lives Change Lincoln’s Assassination Video.

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Presentation on theme: "Legacy of Civil War Reconstruction. Political Changes Economic Changes Costs of War Warfare Changes Lives Change Lincoln’s Assassination Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legacy of Civil War Reconstruction

2 Political Changes Economic Changes Costs of War Warfare Changes Lives Change Lincoln’s Assassination Video

3 Power of the Federal Gov’t is supreme Extension of federal powers Income taxes first used Citizens drafted into service Civil liberties suppressed

4 Growth of war related industries Northern industry grew stronger Southern economy is destroyed – Must be rebuilt

5 Deaths – 360,000 Union – 260,000 Confederate ½ million wounded About 20 billion dollars spent – 5 times the amount spent in 80 yrs

6 New weapons – Rifles – Mini ball – Trench warfare Grenades Submarine Iron-clad ships – Monitor – Merrimack

7 13 th Amendment – Bans slavery Soldiers return to their homes Urban population grows Many move west Many families destroyed by deaths of soldiers

8 Lincoln’s Plan – Forgiving peace to restore the Union At Ford’s Theatre just 5 days after the war’s end John Wilkes Booth First assassination of a President

9 Reconstruction Plans Amendments Johnson Impeached Freedman’s Bureau Compromise of 1877 New Rules Continued Video

10 Lincoln – Preserve Union – Forgiving peace – “Malice towards none, with charity for all” Radical Plan – Harsher plan – Martial law in the South – Majority of southerners must take loyalty oath

11 13 th – Abolishes slavery 14 th – If you are born or naturalized in the U.S. then you are a citizen of the U.S. and have equal rights under the law 15 th – You cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed.

12 Johnson fights with Radicals Radicals seek to impeach Tenure of Office Act – provided that all federal officials whose appointment required Senate confirmation could not be removed without the consent of the Senate. Johnson tests the legality of Act Johnson impeached but acquitted

13 Created to help former slaves adjust Provided education and schooling Helped former slaves find work Was never able to really help most former slaves Land reform was most basic need of former slaves

14 1876 election Samuel Tilden and Rutherford Hayes run for election but no electoral winner Southern states threaten succession again Compromise is made Hayes win, Northern troops are withdrawn from south Reconstruction ends

15 Jim Crow laws – were state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965. They mandated de jure segregation in all public facilities, with a "separate but equal" status for black Americans and members of other non-white racial groups. Rise of the KKK – Advocated segregation and used terror to keep minorities from gaining power Scalawags – scalawag was a moniker for southern whites who supported Reconstruction following the Civil War.

16 Carpetbaggers – was the term southerners gave to northerners who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era. Southerners believed these northerners came to the South to steal from them. Grandfather Clause – Stated that blacks who had grandfathers who were slaves could not vote.

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