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Chapter 11 Jackson Democracy Section 1. Election of 1824 Democratic-Republicans only William Crawford Georgia Nominated by “party” EC votes – 41 House.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Jackson Democracy Section 1. Election of 1824 Democratic-Republicans only William Crawford Georgia Nominated by “party” EC votes – 41 House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Jackson Democracy Section 1

2 Election of 1824 Democratic-Republicans only William Crawford Georgia Nominated by “party” EC votes – 41 House votes – 4 Andrew Jackson Tennessee Hero of War of 1812 EC votes – 99 House votes – 7 Henry Clay Kentucky Speaker of the House EC votes – 37 House votes - 0 John Quincy Adams Massachusetts Son of John Adams EC votes – 84 House votes - 13

3 Election of 1824 Democratic-Republicans Jackson won a plurality – largest share He needed a majority – more than ½ 12 th Amendment – House gets to decide

4 “Corrupt Bargain”? Henry Clay agreed to use his influence as Speaker Convinced people to vote for John Q. Adams John Q. named Clay Secretary of State

5 Adam’s Presidency Didn’t get much done Big ideas blocked by Congress

6 Two parties Democratic-Republicans split – Democrats States rights Frontier Immigrants Workers – National Republicans Strong central gov’t Road building Bank of the US Merchants and farmers

7 Election of 1828 Mudslinging – attempts to ruin their opponent’s reps Adams accused of betraying the people Jackson’s personal life was attacked Beginning of election tactics – Slogans, buttons, rallies

8 Election of 1828 Jackson won frontier states and the South EC votes – Jackson 178, John Q 83

9 Jackson as President Self-made man Patriot War hero “Old Hickory”

10 Spoils System The practice of replacing gov’t employees wRG4 wRG4

11 Tariffs? Pro – Tariff – Northeastern factory owners Anti – Tariff – Southerners – John C. Calhoun

12 Nullification Act SC declared it would not pay tariffs State threatened to secede if they didn’t get their way

13 Homework Read 336-341 Answer 3 reading check questions – Pages 339, 340, 341 On page 341 do – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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