What does a ‘Literacy Rich Teaching and Learning Environment’ look like?  Work with colleagues at your table and make a list of what it would look and.

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Presentation on theme: "What does a ‘Literacy Rich Teaching and Learning Environment’ look like?  Work with colleagues at your table and make a list of what it would look and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does a ‘Literacy Rich Teaching and Learning Environment’ look like?  Work with colleagues at your table and make a list of what it would look and sound like.  View the upcoming slide show and add to your list.

2 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… is engaging.

3  Welcomes learners to their day of learning.

4  Learners have ownership.

5  Is created by the teacher and learners.

6  Promotes inquiry.

7 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… is differentiated/provides access to the learning for all learners.

8  Teachers meet the individual needs of learners.

9  Learners have choices.

10  Materials are differentiated.

11 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… uses a variety of data techniques.

12  Teachers use progress monitoring to inform instruction.

13 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… promotes language and thinking development.

14  Thinking time is planned.

15  Builds schema and vocabulary.

16  Extends thinking.

17  Provides many opportunities for language development.

18  Records thinking and learning.

19  Showcases written language.

20 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… is intentionally created and used.

21  Teachers are intentional.

22  Materials are intentionally chosen.

23 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… provides opportunities for learners to develop learning behaviors.

24  Teaches organization, independence and self-regulation.

25  Social behaviors are learned and practiced.

26  Fosters problem solving.

27  Provides practice developing stamina and focus.

28  Promotes risk taking.

29 A literacy rich teaching and learning environment …  is engaging  develops language and thinking  is differentiated  uses data  is intentional  promotes learning behaviors

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