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The 4 Types of Sentences (and fragments, too)

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Presentation on theme: "The 4 Types of Sentences (and fragments, too)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 4 Types of Sentences (and fragments, too)

2 Statement A statement tells something. It states a fact or an opinion.
A statement has a period at the end. Examples: We study English in the morning. My cat’s name is fluffy.

3 Question A Question asks something. It wants you to give an answer.
A Question ends with a question mark. Examples: When does the bus leave? Do you like listening to music?

4 Exclamation An exclamation shows strong feeling.
An exclamation needs an exclamation mark at the end. Examples: Close the door, please! Watch out for the monster!

5 Command A command tells or asks someone to do something.
A command ends with a period or an exclamation mark. Examples: Clean your room. Be quiet!

6 Fragment A fragment is not a sentence!
A fragment is missing a subject or a verb. Examples: went to the supermarket. He suspicious.

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