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Ecosystem Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystem Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystem Model

2 Flow chart 1 3 E Ecosystems Terrestrial Aquatic Biomes 2 4
Organization of Ecosystem Species Population Communities Ecosystem Energy Cycles Through Ecosystem Water Cycle Carbon cycle Nitrogen Cycle 1 3 E Ecosystems Terrestrial Aquatic Biomes 2 4 Energy Flow Through Ecosystem Food Web Food Chains Trophic Levels Relationship Among Organisms Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism symbiosis

3 Organization of Ecosystem
Species Population Communities Ecosystem

4 3.1 Ecosystems Factors such as food, water, shelter, and space affect populations in an ecosystem.

5 What is an ecosystem? All living & non-living things that interact in an environment

6 Biotic is living things in an ecosystem
What are Ecosystems Factors? Biotic is living things in an ecosystem Abiotic is nonliving things in an ecosystem.

7 What are Some Types of Ecosystems?
Terrestrial Ecosystems Terrestrial ecosystems are ecosystems on land. They can be as big as a continent, or as small as an island! They make up about 28% of the entire World’s ecosystems.

8 Examples of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Forests Deserts Grasslands Forest: Desert: Grassland:

9 Ecosystems that are in the water
Aquatic Ecosystems Ecosystems that are in the water There are TWO types of aquatic ecosystems. Freshwater Saltwater. Picture retrieved from: Aquatic information retrieved from: And:

10 Saltwater Ecosystems Saltwater ecosystems have very salty water.
They make up the vast majority of the Earth’s ecosystems. Some examples of saltwater ecosystems are oceans and coral reefs. Water picture retrieved from: Coral reef picture retrieved from:

11 What Do Organisms in an ecosystem need?

12 Organisms in an ecosystem need…

13 Organisms in an ecosystem need…
food shelter

14 Organisms in an ecosystem need…
food shelter AIR Water

15 Organisms in an ecosystem need…
food shelter AIR LIMITING FACTORS Space Water

16 What are the rules of an ecosystem?
Everything is connected to everything else. 2. Everything must go somewhere in an environment

17 Organisms live together in many different levels and classifications.

18 Levels of Organization in Ecosystems
Species: An organism that creates a viable, fertile offspring through the process of reproduction.

19 Levels of Organization in Ecosystems
Population: A group of organisms of the same species living at the same place at the same time.

20 Levels of Organization in Ecosystems
Community: Different populations of organisms interacting with each other in the same habitat.

21 Levels of Organization in Ecosystems
Habitat: The place and conditions in which a population and biological community exist.

22 Organization Pyramid Biosphere Ecosystems Communities Population Species Organisms Organ System Organs Tissues Cells Organelles Molecules Atoms

23 Importance of the habitat
Organisms need to satisfy all of their needs for life within their habitats. They compete for Food Water Shelter Space

24 Importance of the habitat
Competition- interaction between individuals or populations for available resources. This usually has a negative effect for all organisms.

25 Importance of the habitat
Niche An organism’s role, or “job” within the habitat and ecosystem. This includes….. - The specific area an organism inhabits - The role or function of an organism or species in an ecosystem. - The interaction of all biotic and abiotic factors relating to it.

26 Energy Flow Through Ecosystem
Food Web Food Chains Trophic Levels

27 What is energy? The ability to do work. All living things need energy to survive.

28 Why is energy important to an ecosystem?
All organisms require energy for growth, maintenance, reproduction, locomotion, etc.. For all organisms there must be: A source of energy 2. A loss of usable energy

29 What is the ultimate source of all energy in any ecosystem?
The SUN Without it, the most basic forms of life would not exist

30 Energy Flow Key Terms Autotroph Omnivore Producer Decomposer
Photosynthesis Heterotroph Consumer Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Decomposer Food web Trophic level Ecological pyramid Biomass

31 What are producers? Lowest part of the cycle Also called autotrophs
Organisms that make their own food by capturing energy from the sun. Lowest part of the cycle Also called autotrophs EX: Plants, green algae, some bacteria

32 How do some organisms make their own food?
Photosynthesis is the process that organisms use to make their food from the sun’s light.

33 What are consumers? Consumers are organisms that feed on other organisms. Cannot acquire energy from the sun Energy flows from sun to organism to organism Also called heterotrophs Different types of heterotrophs: Herbivores - Vegetation Omnivores - Meat and Vegetation Carnivores – Meat Scavengers – meat and decaying meat Detritivores - Decaying organic matter

34 What is a primary consumer?
A primary consumer is an organism that eats the producer. Like a rabbit that eats a carrot. Also called Herbivores – only eats plants

35 What are secondary consumers?
Organisms that feed on primary consumers are secondary consumers. Also called Carnivores Ex. A wolf that eats a rabbit

36 Consumers can be further divided into groups:
quaternary consumer (top) tertiary consumer secondary consumer Primary consumer The last consumer in a chain, which is not usually eaten by any other consumer, is often referred to as the top consumer.

37 What are decomposers? organisms that feed on dead organism, break them down into simple nutrients or fertilizers. Also called Detritivores EX: fungi and bacteria

38 What do you think?

39 Consumer or producer?

40 What are they also called?
Consumer or producer? What are they also called?

41 Primary or secondary consumers?
What are they also called?

42 Primary or secondary consumers?
What are they also called?

43 Primary or secondary consumers?

44 Producer, consumer, or decomposer?

45 How does energy move through an ecosystem?
Energy moves from one organisms to another when it is eaten.

46 What are Trophic Levels
Each step in this transfer of energy is know as a trophic level The main trophic levels are producers, consumers, and decomposers

47 What is the Food Chains ? The energy flow from one trophic level to the other A food chain is simple and direct It involves one organism at each trophic level Primary Consumers – eat producers Secondary Consumers – eat the primary consumers Tertiary Consumer-eat the secondary consumer Decomposers – bacteria and fungi that break down dead organisms and recycle the material back into the environment

48 What is a Food Web Most organisms eat more than JUST one organism
When more organism are involved it is known as a FOOD WEB Food webs are more complex and involve lots of organisms

49 Transfer of Energy When a zebra eats the grass, it does not obtain all of the energy the grass has (much of it is not eaten) When a lion eats a zebra, it does not get all of the energy from the zebra (much of it is lost as heat)

50 Law of Thermodynamics 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: energy is not transferred from one object/organism to the next with 100% efficiency. Some of the energy is lost to the environment. Energy Pyramid shows the amounts of energy that moves from one level to the next

51 Energy Flow The ecological pyramid shows the relative amounts of energy or matter. Producers make up the first level Consumers make up the second, third and higher

52 Energy Flow Only about 10% of the energy available within one trophic level is transferred to organisms at the next trophic level. The other 90% is used by the organism to carry out its life processes or it is lost to the environment Biomass is the total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level.

53 Ecological Pyramid

54 Energy Flow


56 Food Web: land and water connected

57 Food Chain

58 Food Web Notice that the direction the arrow points  the arrow points in the direction of the energy transfer, NOT “what ate what”

59 Energy Transfer Only about 10% of energy is transferred from one level to the next The other 90% is used by the organism to carry out its life processes or it is lost to the environment

60 Food Web

61 Ecological Pyramid An ecological pyramid shows the relationship between consumers and producers at different trophic levels in an ecosystem Shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained at each trophic level The Pyramid shows which level has the most energy and the highest number of organisms

62 Ecological Pyramid only 10% of energy is passed on through consumption

63 Ecological Pyramid Which level has the most energy?
Which level has the most organisms? Which level has the least organisms? Which level has the least energy?

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