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Do Now Please get out something to write with Website - Unit 10 The Cold War – All weekly assignments, activities, power points for this unit can be found.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Please get out something to write with Website - Unit 10 The Cold War – All weekly assignments, activities, power points for this unit can be found."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Please get out something to write with Website - Unit 10 The Cold War – All weekly assignments, activities, power points for this unit can be found here

2 Unit 10 – The Cold War CA Content Standard 10.9 – Students analyze the developments in the post-World War II world. 1. Compare the economic and military power shifts caused by the war, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and the economic recoveries of Germany and Japan. 2. Analyze the causes of the Cold War, with the free world on one side and the Soviet client states on the other, including competition for influence in such places as Egypt, the Congo, Vietnam, and Chile. 3. Understand the importance of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, which established the pattern for America’s postwar policy of supplying economic and military aid to prevent the spread of communism and the resulting economic and political competition in arenas such as Southeast Asia (i.e. the Korean War, Vietnam War), Cuba, and Africa.

3 Essential Unit Question Why and How Did We Fight the Cold War? End of unit and test: Friday, May 29th

4 Unit Vocabulary Using the textbook and glossary, define and/or explain each of the following: 1.United Nations (p. 490) 2.Cold War (p. 490) 3.“iron curtain” (p. 491) 4.Eastern bloc (p. 491) 5.Western bloc (p. 491) 6.Truman Doctrine (p. 491) 7.Containment (p. 491) 8.Marshall Plan (p. 492) 9.Satellites (p. 492) 10. West Germany (p. 492) 11. East Germany (p. 492) 12. Berlin Airlift (p. 492- 493) 13. NATO (p. 493) 14. Warsaw Pact (p. 493) 15. Arms race (p. 526) 16. Berlin Wall (p. 526) 17. Détente (p. 527)

5 Defining Cold War Take 2 minutes to write your best guess as to the definition of the phrase “Cold War” Take 5 minutes to talk to your group, share your definitions and decide on a definition you can all support Share your group definition with the class and we will create a class definition

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