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Presentation on theme: "STRENGTHENING “SEED” SECTOR/MARKET OF BANGLADESH."— Presentation transcript:



3 BANGLADESH AGRICULTURE AT A GLANCE Total family 17,600,804 Total farm holding 15,089,000 Total area 14.845 million hectare Cultivable land 8.44 million hectare Cropping intensity 175.97% Single cropped area 2.851 million hectare Double cropped area 3.984 million hectare Triple cropped area 0.974 million hectare Contribution of Agri sector to GDP 23.50% Contribution of crop sector to GDP 13.44% Manpower in agriculture 62% Total food crop demand 23.029 million metric ton Total food crop production 27.787 million metric ton

4 BANGLADESH SEED MARKET BANGLADESH SEED MARKET CropsRequirement in 2007-08(MT) Supply Gap(MT) Rice306840105576 63% 63% Vegetables4200118071% Potato4100002800093% There are other crops like Jute, Maize, and pulses being cultivated in BD but our focus lies only on rice, vegetables and potato seeds.

5 ACTORS IN THE SEED MARKET  Seed Companies  Large, Medium and Small  Distributors  Retailers  Mobile Seed Vendors (MSVs)  Farmers  Seed Association  Government  Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)  Agricultural Research Institutes (ARIs)  Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC)  Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE)  Seed Certification Agency (SCA)  Exporting Countries

6 CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS Of SEED SECTOR CONSTRAINTS CONSTRAINTS  Existence of few high quality seed companies (8)  Existence of large number of small and non-quality seed companies (more than 100)  Adulteration at different stage  Weak distribution network  Lack of knowledge on quality seed production (HYV & Hybrid)  Lack of proper R&D and quality control system  Lack of skilled and qualified human resources  Lack of availability and accessibility  Availability of farmers’ retained seeds  Farmers’ ignorance and confusion about the benefit of using right quality seeds  Lack of enforcement of regulation OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES  Huge unmet potential demand (around 75%)  Vast untapped areas to promote quality seeds  Growing at a rate of 15% per annum  Increasing awareness about the usage of quality seeds  Existence of large number of seed retailers (around 9000)  Existence of large number of Mobile Seed Vendors (more than 2000)  Ecologically Suitable seed production regions  Availability of large number of seed producing farmers  Existence of different agricultural research institutes  Favorable seed policy  Easy Transportation and communication system

7 VISION “Development of a seed sector or market that is able to cater all the farmers of Bangladesh with best quality seeds of different crops and vegetables at an affordable price consistent with farmers’ preference ” “Development of a seed sector or market that is able to cater all the farmers of Bangladesh with best quality seeds of different crops and vegetables at an affordable price consistent with farmers’ preference ”

8 MISSION  Facilitate in establishing a well functioning seed market that is able to provide farmers with knowledge, information and skill besides providing best quality seeds  Enhancing the capacity of the seed suppliers so that they can supply best quality seeds at a larger volume  Scaling-up; that is, reaching all the farmers of Bangladesh with best quality seeds eventually.  Sustainability of the business development services such as flow of (Knowledge, Information, Skill and System)  Sustainability of the business development services such as flow of ‘KISS’ (Knowledge, Information, Skill and System)

9 KEY RESULT AREAS  Supply and Availability of Quality Seeds  Usage & Outreach  Farmers’ income  Employment  Scale-up & sustainability  Compliance to regulation

10 OBJECTIVES  To increase the supply of quality seeds by more 5% in addition to the natural growth by 2013  To increase the usage of quality seeds by 5% in addition to the natural growth within 2013  To increase farmers’ income by at least 15% through higher yield  To generate more employment in agricultural sector  To reach remote and untapped areas of all 64 districts of Bangladesh with quality seeds.  To develop a seed marketing system for the seed companies that will improve farmers’ access to knowledge, information and skill about proper cultivation techniques  To increase mass level awareness about the benefits of using better quality seeds.  To bring all the seed suppliers under the regulatory system of seed business by 2013

11 STRATEGIC INTERVENTION AREAS 1.Supply and availability of more quality seeds in the market 2.Wide and strong distribution network and improved accessibility 3.Demonstrating the value of quality seeds and proper cultivation techniques among the farmers 4.Compliance towards seed policy and regulation

12 INTERVENTIONS Supply and availability of more quality seeds in the market I.Introducing a formal seed contract growing system to produce more and better quality seeds II.Improving and strengthening the existing R&D system of the seed companies to produce right types, varieties and high yielding seeds in line with farmers’ preference III.Strengthening international seed sourcing system to import best quality seeds from best sources

13 INTERVENTIONS Wide and strong distribution network and improved accessibility IV.Enhancing the knowledge, skills and capacity of the marketing staffs of companies to develop strong service linkage with the distributors, retailers and farmers. V.Strengthening Retailers and distributors’ channel to promote more quality seeds and provide information on proper cultivation techniques to the farmers. VI.Incorporating Mobile Seed Vendors in the seed marketing and distribution strategy of the companies to reach the last mile farmers

14 Demonstrating the value of quality seeds and profitable cropping patterns among the farmers VII.Renovating and reinforcing the promotional tools of the seed companies to demonstrate and promote quality seeds in untapped areas seeds VIII. Generating mass level awareness to augment the usage of better quality seed IX.Promoting profitable cropping pattern to increase the cropping intensity and profitability of the land INTERVENTIONS

15 Compliance towards seed policy and regulation X.Ensuring the licensing and legal obligation of the seed Retailers and Mobile seed vendors to ensure supply of quality seeds INTERVENTIONS

16 SEED MARKET IMPACT LOGIC Intervention 1 Intervention 4Intervention 3Intervention 2 Better cultivation practices More farmers using quality seeds Increase in supply of quality seeds Increase in Yield (by xx%) Increase in Profit (by xxxx BDT) Increase in Income (both farm & Labor) (xxx million BDT) Increase in Employment (xxx employees) Improvement in living standards (food, housing, education, health etc)

17 KATALYST and It’s APPROACH  Katalyst is a market development project with a vision to alleviate poverty  Its mission is to make markets work for the poor  Its key objective is to enhance the competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of small and medium enterprises where poor participates largely as producers, employees and consumers.  It intends to develop more effective markets for business services.

18 KATALYST and It’s APPROACH   It believes that in Bangladesh – as in other countries - business services are a key factor in growth of small and medium enterprises. Through its knowledge of business and innovative methodologies KATALYST specializes in developing:   cross sector services   industry specific services   rural market services, as well as   the regulatory framework related to those services.   Katalyst concentrates its resources on making these markets work more effectively by offering technical assistance and grants to businesses that help others to improve their businesses

19 KATALYST and It’s APPROACH  is a Facilitator…..  Katalyst is a Facilitator…..  Forms partnership with Market Actors who wants to improve their competitiveness, deliver business development services and change the market for the benefits of the poor.  Utilizes the Leverage Points to reach more……  methodology:  Katalyst methodology:  Selecting markets/issues for research  Analyzing these markets and issues to identify constraints and select business services for assessment  Assessing these business services  Designing Interventions  Implementing interventions and  Monitoring & Evaluation



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