New Testament.

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Presentation on theme: "New Testament."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Testament

2 Christian Scripture Written in Greek Testament = agreement
New Testament contains stories and teaching about a new agreement between God and people based on the intervention of Jesus Contains 27 books - 4 sections Gospels (means Good News) - 4 Acts of the Apostles Epistles (letters) - 21 Book of Revelation

3 Synoptic = together Synoptic Gospels = Matthew, Mark, Luke John tell his story from a different perspective

4 The story of God’s plan began in the Old Testament, and the story is finished in the New Testament.
The Old Testament tells that God’s Son, Jesus, would come in the future. The New Testament tells that Jesus was born and lived on earth.

5 Prophecy It is amazing that God’s prophets were able to predict things that would happen many years later. God spoke to those prophets. Then the prophets told God’s message to the people.

6 Horoscopes Many people today want to know what will happen in the future. They read their horoscope in the newspaper or go to a fortune teller. Read your horoscope- does it always come true?

7 But these predictions are never 100% accurate.
Why? Because they are not from God. We can depend on God’s Word, the Bible. The words in the Bible are true.

8 Prophecy Old Testament predictions come true in the New Testament
Here are some examples of Old Testament prophecies and New Testament verses. These verses tell us that the prophecies really happened. Please take time to find these verses in your Bible and read them.

9 Answers

10 Catacombs Mostly in Rome About 60 of them From 100-200 AD
Contain pictures, engravings of the Bible



13 Mary

14 The Good Shepherd


16 Cappuccini Catacombs, rome

17 Quiz Complete the short quiz to see how much you know about today’s material

18 In groups – match the proper description with the appropriate section of the New Testament
Copy the correct answers onto the sheet provided

19 What We Believe about the NT
All the writings are faith statements intended to bring Jesus’ word to people They are not historical documents, although some historical information is accurate Not scientific documents in the sense that information can be tested or reproduced Not biographies

20 Today At least 2 readings at each mass are taken from the NT so that people may continue to hear the message of Jesus

21 Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John heard good news and they passed it on Matthew, Mark, and Luke = synoptic gospels because of their great similarities John offers a very unique portrait of Jesus All four writers wrote for different audiences hence the differences in stories Complete the handout on the development of the Gospels Point 4 – examples Mark writes for persecuted gentiles in Rome – theme = suffering Christ Matthew write for Palestinian Jewish Christians – theme = fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies - Luke writes for Gentiles in Greece – theme = universal saviour, especially for oppressed and poor John writes for Early Christians in Asia minor – theme = Son of God

22 Map Of world Of places in Jesus time

23 Occupations in Jesus’ Time

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