The Holocaust Nuremberg LawsNuremberg Laws –Strip Jews of Citizenship –Forbid marriage between Jews and Non Jews –Other requirements Register PropertyRegister.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust Nuremberg LawsNuremberg Laws –Strip Jews of Citizenship –Forbid marriage between Jews and Non Jews –Other requirements Register PropertyRegister."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holocaust Nuremberg LawsNuremberg Laws –Strip Jews of Citizenship –Forbid marriage between Jews and Non Jews –Other requirements Register PropertyRegister Property Carry Identity CardsCarry Identity Cards

2 The Holocaust Gestapo, SA, & SSGestapo, SA, & SS –Tracked down and arrested opponents of the Nazis and threw them into concentration camps –Concentration Camps Heinrich Himmler Head of SS & Chief of German Police, later will also control Gestapo under the SS Head of Concentration Camp Security In Charge of Carrying out “Final Solution

3 The Holocaust KristallnachtKristallnacht –1938 “night of broken glass –When organized attacks on Jews began –Looting and destroying Jewish stores, houses, and synagogues –Mass arrests of Jews followed

4 The Holocaust St. Louis ShipSt. Louis Ship –About 900 Jews refused entrance into America Evian Conference (1938)Evian Conference (1938) –All but one of 29 countries refused to ease their immigration laws to deal with Jewish refugees fleeing Germany War Refugee Board (1944)War Refugee Board (1944) –Try help people threatened w/ murder by Nazis –Help save some 200,000 lives –Less successful in bringing Jews to America, only about a 1,000 refugees

5 The Holocaust Wannasee ConferenceWannasee Conference –Decide on “Final Solution” –German government announce plan calling for genocide, or deliberate destruction of Europe’s Jewish population The SS Einsatzgruppen This picture says it all. In the process of undressing, this girl waits with her family to be shot. She has not the will to even look as her picture is taken. In total resignation, her face looks downwards as she leans against her mother. Leipaja, Latvia. Dec. 1941

6 The Holocaust Death CampsDeath Camps –Like concentration camps but used only for mass murder, mainly of Jews –Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau –Elderly, weak, & many women w/ children kill immediately, survivors had head shaved and number tattooed on arm –Unbearable conditions=malnutrition, crowded cold barracks, no bathrooms or beds, harsh labor

7 The Holocaust Nuremberg TrialsNuremberg Trials –Trial of 24 leading Nazis for crimes against humanity –Established principle that individuals were responsible for their own actions

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