Español II y III. Repaso: Gustar ALWAYS use the correct indirect object pronoun (IOP) before gusta – Me gusta, Te gusta, Le gusta, Nos gusta, Os gusta,

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1 Español II y III

2 Repaso: Gustar ALWAYS use the correct indirect object pronoun (IOP) before gusta – Me gusta, Te gusta, Le gusta, Nos gusta, Os gusta, Les gusta To talk about not liking something, use no before the IOP – No os gusta el helado. = You all (inf.) do not like the ice cream. When using gustar to talk about an activity, always use the infinitive form of the verb after gusta. – Me gusta correr – Les gusta practicar deportes – Le gusta leer – Te gusta escribir To specify who likes something or emphasize that somebody likes something, use the prepositional phrase “ a + the person liking ” – Use the person ’ s name except for mí or ti

3 Repaso- Using gustar with nouns When using gustar to talk about an object you like (noun), you have to change gusta if you are talking about liking multiple objects. If gusta is followed by a plural noun, add an – n (gustan) – Me gusta la pizza. – No me gustan las galletas.

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