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Indirect Object Pronouns

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1 Indirect Object Pronouns

2 Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. direct verb indirect

3 Indirect Objects I gave those shoes to him. verb direct object

4 Indirect Object Pronouns
Indirect object pronouns tell to whom or for whom the action is being done and usually refer to people.

5 In order to have to have an Indirect Object Pronoun there also must be a Direct Object in the sentence.

6 Indirect Object Pronouns
They mean the same thing in English as do the direct object pronouns, only they add the words “to or for”. For example, “to you, for me, etc.”

7 Indirect Object Pronouns (Spanish)
me (to or for me) te (to or for you) le (to or for him, her, it) nos (to or for us) os (to or for y’all) les (to or for them, you all)

8 Me Te Le Rhyme Me Te Le Nos Os Les Put them in the Proper Place To say to whom Make some room. Use them often Learn them soon.

9 Placement of Indirect Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns, me, te, le, nos, os, and les are placed before a conjugated verb.

10 Examples: ¿Le das el libro a Elena? Sí, le doy el libro a Elena.

11 Indirect Object Pronouns
These are the “me, te, le, nos and les that you see before “gustar” For example:

12 Indirect Object Pronouns
A ella le gusta la pizza. The pizza is pleasing to her. Me gustan las papas fritas. The french fries are pleasing to me.

13 Common Verbs used with Indirect Object Pronouns
Dar = to give Decir = to say/to tell Explicar = to explain Vender = to sell Traer = to bring Escribir = to write Comprar = to buy Pagar = to pay

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