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Gusta vs. Gustan. GUSTAR You have already used GUSTAR with infinitives (not-conjugated verbs) to say what people like to do. Now, you are going to use.

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Presentation on theme: "Gusta vs. Gustan. GUSTAR You have already used GUSTAR with infinitives (not-conjugated verbs) to say what people like to do. Now, you are going to use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gusta vs. Gustan

2 GUSTAR You have already used GUSTAR with infinitives (not-conjugated verbs) to say what people like to do. Now, you are going to use GUSTAR to talk about things that people like (not activities).

3 Reminder: Me gusta (I like) Nos gusta We like, someone and I like Te gusta (you like) Le gusta (he, she, you formal like[s] ) Les gusta They like, all of you like

4 Gustar If the item that the person likes is singular, you are going to use the same form of gusta that you always have, then the item. You need to use el or la before the item when you use gusta. Ex: Me gusta la fruta = I like fruit (in general). Le gusta el helado = He likes ice cream.

5 Here’s what that looks like: Me gusta la sopa (I like soup) Nos gusta la sopa We like, someone and I like soup Te gusta la sopa (you like soup) Le gusta la sopa (he, she, you formal like[s] soup) Les gusta la sopa They like, all of you like soup

6 Gustar If the item that the person likes is plural, you are going to add an “N” to gusta to make “GUSTAN,” then the item. You need to use los or las before the item when you use gustan. Ex: Me gustan las galletas = I like cookies (in general). Le gustan los sándwiches= He likes sandwiches.

7 Here’s what that looks like: Me gustan los tostones (I like fried plantains) Nos gustan los tostones (We like fried plantains) Te gustan los tostones (You like fried plantains) Le gustan los tostones (He/she/you [f] like fried plantains) Les gustan los tostones (They/all of you like fried plantains)

8 The forms of GUSTA match the item that is being liked, NOT the person. 1.A Juan y a María ______ gusta la sopa. 2.A Juan y a María ______ gustan las sopas. 3.A mi amigo _____ ________ el helado. 4.A mi amigo _____ __________ las galletas.

9 ¡Práctica! 1.A mí _____ _________ los helados. 2.A José ____ __________ las galletas. 3.A ti ______ _________ el jugo. 4. A mis amigos ______ _________ las frutas. 5.A mi amigo y a mí ______ _________ la pizza. 6.A tu madre ______ _________ las uvas. 7.A usted no ______ _________ el cereal. 8.A ustedes ______ _________ el pan.

10 ¡Práctica! 1.The students like cake. _____________________________________ 2.Do you like coffee? _____________________________________ 3.My friends and I like soups. _____________________________________ 4.Does he like apples? _____________________________________

11 5. Your friend does not like milk. _____________________________________ 6. I don’t like bananas! _____________________________________ 7. All of you like bread for your sandwiches. _____________________________________ 8. The children like eggs for breakfast. I don’t like eggs!_____________________________________ CONTESTA: 9. ¿Te gustan las galletas o te gusta el pastel? _____________________________________

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