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PES PELS IAS IES Joint Society (PI)^2 IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sep 8, 2012 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "PES PELS IAS IES Joint Society (PI)^2 IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sep 8, 2012 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 PES PELS IAS IES Joint Society (PI)^2 IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sep 8, 2012 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team l Chairman: Andrew Bluiett l Chairman Elect (V-C): Kevin Ewing l Treasurer: Steve Pearson l Secretary: Joel Sandahl l Member at Large: Paul Brown l Interim Webmaster: Don Drumtra l Awards Chairman: James Mercier l Nomination Chairman: Walter May l Workshop Chairmain: Mike Noth

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates Joint Chapter IAS, PEL, IES, PES PES CTS Membership: 340 + IAS CTS Membership: 65 + IES CTS Membership: 15 + PELS CTS Membership: 80 + Planning NEC Motor & Controller Class Distinguish Lecturer Program Next Meeting Elect Officers Continue to have annual classes PES/PELS/IAS/IES Joint Chapter Newsletter Senior Membership Upgrade

4 IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 1/24TechnicalImaging the Edge of Our Solar SystemMaher Dayeh- SWR Yes 2/20TechnicalEvolution of Timekeeping and Sync Time Over last 150 Years Ken ReindelJoint Meeting Yes 2/28TechnicalChallenges Opportunities for Large Scale PEV Penetration Joe RedfieldYes 3/27TechnicalVariable Frequency DrivesScott Holdridge Yes 4/24TechnicalDisaster ForensicsAlexis Kwasinski Yes 5/22TechnicalGenerator Sizing PitfallsCurt GibsonYes 6/7TourAustin Energy’s Webberville Solar PlantNikhil ShahNo 6/26TechnicalDL - Sustainable Energy EngineeringMark EhsaniYes 7/24TechnicalEnergy Storage SystemsJeff BruceYes 8/28TechnicalEthics Texas Board of Professional EngDavid HowellYes 9/25TechnicalDL - Vulnerability of Power GridsRoss BaldickFuture

5 IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 10/5WorkshopMotors & ControllersJames Stallcup Future 12/01TourTBDFuture

6 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths- Large membership, participation, volunteers, and great speakers l Weaknesses- Outreach programs, Lack of more support from Corporations and Utilities l Opportunities- Joint Chapter, Distinguish Lecture Program, Student outreach l Threats- Aging Membership, more responsibility for volunteers, Meeting Location closes or go out of business or out grow

7 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Continue excellence/build on strength (Programs and Participation) l Recognize members and chapters l Increase PES/IAS/IES/PELS awareness (Attend meetings and renew contacts)

8 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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