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Technology Management Council – San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Management Council – San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Management Council – San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting January 25, 2014 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team PositionNameAffiliationEmailHas gone through online training ChairWilliam Flannery UTSAwilliam.flannery@ Vice ChairOpen TreasurerNils SmithSwRInils.smith@swri.o rg

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates Spring 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical /Admin TopicL31 3/27/13TechnicalToyota Motor Manufacturing Plant Tour at 1:30 pm. YES 4/3/13Technical OwnEnergy and Wind Farm Development in Texas and the Southwest Region 7:00 – 8:30 pm UTSA Main Campus YES

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates Fall 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical /Admin TopicSpeakerL31 8/23/13 AdminChapter Planning Meeting for Fall 2013 10/23/13TechnicalToyota Motor Manufacturing Plant Tour at 1:30 pm. Yes 11/13/13TechnicalIntellectual Property Law DiscussionDerrick Pizzaro, Registered Patent Attorney Yes

5 IEEE Central Texas Section Spring 2014 Planned Chapter Meetings DateTechnical /Admin TopicSpeakerConfirmed February AdminChapter Planning Meeting for Spring 2014 In Planning 2/19/14TechnicalEnterprise Valuation at 7:30 pm In Planning 3/19/14TechnicalToyota Motor Manufacturing Plant Tour at 1:30 pm. In Planning 4/02/14TechnicalIntellectual Property Law Changes: Impact on NPD Strategy Discussion In Planning

6 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis & Chapter Plans / Issues l Strengths  Active TMC SA Leadership  Network of speakers and use of facilities l Weaknesses  More Attendance at Meetings l Opportunities  Activities with UIW EM, StMU EM, and UTSA MOT and EE Students l Threats  Leadership Succession Planning for TMC SA

7 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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