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Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Chapter Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Chapter Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Chapter Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 6, 2014 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section EMC Society - Central Texas Chapter Overview l Description l Open to those interested in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) design, test, and certification. l Members include technicians, engineers, consultants, and other professionals ranging in expertise from entry level to those of international renown. l See our web site at: http:// l Primary Meeting Location l National Instruments l 11500 North Mopac Expwy, Austin, TX, 78759 l Meeting Time l 3 rd Wednesday of month l No charge

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team PositionNameAffiliationEmail Online training Chair Ross Carlton National Instruments ross.carlton@ieee.orgYes Vice Chair Jack McFadden ETS-Lindgrenjack.mcfadden@ets-lindgren.comN/A Secretary Mark Maynard SIEMCmark.maynard@siemic.comN/A Treasurer Webmaster Mark Maynard SIEMCmark.maynard@siemic.comN/A

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates l Chapter membership steady at 57 active. l Meeting attendance averaging ~14. l Leveraged local companies for support. l NI, ETS-Lindgren, Dell, AMD l Coordinating speakers w/ Dallas & Galveston Chapters. l Held joint meeting with PSES.

5 IEEE Central Texas Section 2014 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 03/13/14AdminChapter PlanningAllYes 04/08/14TechSignal Integrity Characterization, parameters and techniques Jay Diepenbrock (EMCS DL) Yes 08/19/14TechThe EMC and Low-Voltage Directives of the EU Ross Carlton Daniece Carpenter Yes 09/17/14TechFrequency Domain Differential Decoupling Performance and Analysis Todd Steigerwald Carlos Santillana 10/15/14 11/12/14 12/10/14

6 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths l Availability of DLs and other speakers l Support from local industry l Teaming with other nearby Chapters l Stable membership l Weaknesses l Getting member input and feedback l Finding volunteers

7 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Opportunities l Conferences & tabletops l Increasing support from local industry l Threats l Members have less and less time to devote to volunteer activities l Membership is not growing in the USA

8 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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