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The Holocaust Def. - Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews –6 million Jews –2/3’s of Europe’s Jewish population –6 million others’ Gypsies,

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust Def. - Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews –6 million Jews –2/3’s of Europe’s Jewish population –6 million others’ Gypsies,"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Holocaust Def. - Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews –6 million Jews –2/3’s of Europe’s Jewish population –6 million others’ Gypsies, mentally ill, physically disabled, homosexuals, homeless, Socialist, and Communist

3 Why? Scapegoats – economic and political Anti-Semitism –Persecution or hostility towards Jews Nazi Philosophy of “Aryan Race”

4 The Nuremberg Laws 1935


6 What are they? These included the Civil Service Law and the Preservation of Blood and Honour Laws –ARTICLE 2 A citizen of the Reich may be only one who is of German or kindred blood, and who, through his behavior, shows that he is both desirous and personally fit to serve loyally the German people and the Reich. German Jews were systematically denied their rights of citizenship and pushed out of the German nation

7 1. Stripping of Citizenship Examples –Forbid marriage b/w Jews and non-Jews –Banned Jewish doctors from treating non-Jews –“Aryanize” Jewish business - dismissed Jewish managers and employees –carry ID cards - Star of David

8 Kristallnacht

9 Kristallnacht November 9-10, 1938 “night of broken glass” Destroyed Jewish stores, houses, and synagogues

10 2. Placed in Ghettos Sealed off Jewish communities by barbed wire or walls Often overcrowded Lack of food and sanitation Brought about disease, increase in death rate

11 Warsaw Ghetto Largest Jewish ghetto (Poland) –450,000 Jews –30% of population In an area of 1.3 miles

12 3. Deportation & Concentration Camps Put on trains for concentration camps - labor camps –Usually for POW’s and political leaders –Very harsh life –All work, very little food

13 Deportation to Concentration Camps

14 German Enforcement

15 SS - Einsatzgruppen mobile killing units –Kill by firing squad –Murder racial or political leaders behind the front lines


17 Gestapo Secret Police

18 Wannsee Conference

19 Plan for “Final Solution” Death camps - extermination centers, ovens, gas chambers –Mass murder of Jews Zyklon B

20 The Holocaust Exposed

21 Horrors of the Holocaust

22 Auschwitz - Birkenau Entrance to Auschwitz: Work Makes You Free

23 Auschwitz - Birkenau "wall of death"

24 Most of those killed at the "wall of death" were Poles. A sand pit was dug along the wall to collect the blood. Victims were made to undress in washrooms in Block 11 before they were taken outside and shot. If their number was small, sometimes the prisoners were simply shot in the washrooms. The SS also used the courtyard to flog prisoners or hang them from a post by their wrists, which were twisted behind their backs. The wall now serves as a memorial to its victims.

25 The Barracks Slave Labor at Buchenwald Eli Wiesel

26 Gas Chambers

27 Crematoriums Crematoria at Majdanek

28 Horrors of the Holocaust Exposed Mass Graves at Bergen-Belsen

29 Liberation to set free –The Russians were 1 st to liberate many camps –Americans could not believe what they saw

30 Nuremberg Trials

31 November 1945 24 leading Nazis on trial –Planning the war –Committing war crimes –Committing crimes against humanity –Conspiring to commit crimes –12 received the death penalty –7 received jail sentences –3 were acquitted –Thousands of other Nazis were tried and jailed in other courts Most important – ind. were responsible for their own actions

32 Escaping Nazis Escape to Latin and South America –Adolph Eichmann – architect of Jewish extermination program –Josef Mengele – Auschwitz’s “Angel of Death”

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