Panzer Division 2.0 16-bit Central Processing Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Panzer Division 2.0 16-bit Central Processing Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panzer Division 2.0 16-bit Central Processing Unit

2 Team Members Eric Bowden Philip Christensen Waylon Grange Adam Thompson

3 Logistics Division of labor Timeline

4 CPU control Block Ram Flash Interfacing Assembler IO Devices: -Sound -Display -Game pad/controller

5 Previous Division ALU Code Writer = Eric Tester = Waylon Hardware = Phil Report = Adam Register Code Writer = Waylon Tester = Adam Hardware = Phil Report = Eric

6 Preliminary Assignments CPU control= Phil Block Ram = Waylon Flash Interfacing = Phil Assembler = Phil & Waylon –Compiler= Adam & Phil IO Devices: = Eric & Adam -Sound = Eric & Adam -Display= Eric & Waylon -Game pad/controller= Eric & Adam

7 Tentative Timeline CPU control= Oct. 18 Block Ram = Oct. 14 Flash Interfacing = Oct. 10 Assembler= Oct. 10 IO Devices: -Sound (time permitting) -Display= Oct. 24 -Game pad/controller= Oct. 28


9 Statistics Slices Slice Flip Flops 4-Input LUTs Max Delay ALU900159 31.10 ns Register File 238256416 21.75 ns Control8215 15.54 ns

10 Architecture Memory –Separate memory for Instructions & Data –Data Memory currently in block ram 768x16 + 256x16 = 1024x16 Block ram is fast –Instruction memory currently in flash 64K x 16 Finite state machine reads from flash Slowest component limits clock to 10Mhz (20Mhz if we are tricky)

11 Architecture Pipelining –Not part of baseline, but we want to do it –No stalls waiting for memory because of separation –Followed MIPS (pipeline work has already been done) –Clock limited to 10Mhz –Data forwarding unit avoids data hazards –Software avoids jump/branch hazards


13 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller

14 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller Two Options –Audio IC Chip - ISD 1600 ChipCorder Twenty seconds of addressable audio –Off-board Preprogrammed Music Generator CS3700 Final Project

15 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller ISD 1600 ChipCorder

16 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller Music Generator

17 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller Video Specification –64 pixels by 32 lines –2-bit pixels (Four colors) Memory Requirements –Chosen resolution fits in block RAM module 64x32x2 = 4096 bits = 4 KB

18 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller PinDescriptionWire Color 1+5vWhite 2Data ClockYellow 3Data LatchOrange 4Serial DataRed 5N/C- 6 - 7GroundBrown 7-pin Human Interface Device

19 Input Output Interfaces Major Interfaces –Audio –VGA Monitor –SNES Controller Controller uses a serial communication method A FSM will eat the 16 bits of control data 1 bit at a time Data stored in a free floating register

20 Nibbles


22 Pipelining In pipelined systems jump require “bubbles” to execute correctly This can be implemented in assembly by inserting NOPs

23 Code implemented jumps MOVI $tmp, 1 CMPI $regb, 0 BNE _ifgrow STOR $rega, $tmp //IF (grow == 0) //Move 1 into *head

24 Evolution of Nibbles

25 What’s next Make your own Game! TronMillipedeTetris?!

26 Testing Best tests Should be in the writing. ->Write using “Test First” method Second stage “Black Box” testing. Optional Third Stage “White Box” testing.

27 Questions?

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