CHRISTIANITY. RISE OF CHRISTIANITY About 30 A.D. a Jew named Jesus developed followers as a result of his preaching. Most of what we know about him comes.

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2 RISE OF CHRISTIANITY About 30 A.D. a Jew named Jesus developed followers as a result of his preaching. Most of what we know about him comes from the New Testament portion of the Christian Bible.

3 RISE OF CHRISTIANITY According to the New Testament, people followed Jesus because: His teaching was based on Jewish tradition Word spread that he could perform miracles He used parables and simple stories to teach understandable moral principles His focus was on loving God and loving your neighbor

4 RISE OF CHRISTIANITY The New Testament Gospels tell how the Jewish leaders did not like Jesus because they feared his speeches would ignite rebellion against Rome. He was betrayed by one of his closest followers, tried and condemned to be executed.

5 RISE OF CHRISTIANITY The Roman government frequently used crucifixion as a means of execution: nailing or binding a person to a cross and left to die. The Gospels report that after Jesus died, he was buried but came back to life and commanded his followers to take his message of love and forgiveness to the world.

6 CHRISTIANITY SPREADS Followers of Jesus spread his message throughout the Roman world. Before long Christianity was declared illegal and widespread persecution broke out. However Christianity continued to appeal to many as they found comfort in the message of love, equality, mercy, and the promise of a better life after death.

7 CHRISTIANITY SPREADS Persecution ended in 313 A.D. when the emperor Constantine issued the “Edict of Milan,” which gave freedom of worship to all citizens of the empire.

8 CHRISTIAN BELIEFS Basic New Testament concepts: No one is perfect and is therefore in need of forgiveness. Forgiveness comes from God to anyone who places their faith, or belief, in the idea that Jesus paid the price for their imperfection when he died on the cross. After being forgiven, Christians follow the teaching of Jesus to love God and love their neighbor.

9 CHRISTIAN STRUCTURE TODAY Roman Catholic Baptist Presbyterians Lutherans Greek Orthodox Eastern Orthodox Amish Nondenominational Methodist There are many denominations that adhere only to the teachings of the New Testament Latter Day Saints Jehovah Witnesses Christian Science There are some groups that include additional sources of inspiration

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