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Would you ever want to travel to Africa?. Key QuestionsReading Notes Sub Section Question: 1. ? 2. ? 3.? 4.? 5.? 13.2 African City-States and Kingdoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Would you ever want to travel to Africa?. Key QuestionsReading Notes Sub Section Question: 1. ? 2. ? 3.? 4.? 5.? 13.2 African City-States and Kingdoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Would you ever want to travel to Africa?

2 Key QuestionsReading Notes Sub Section Question: 1. ? 2. ? 3.? 4.? 5.? 13.2 African City-States and Kingdoms Sub section- Kush  -Askum  -East Africa and Trade  -Central Africa & Great Zimbabwe  -Kingdoms & Cultures of West Africa  Cornell Reading Notes






8 Series of city-states, which dominated costal trade in the Indian Ocean. They exported ________, _______, ________, _______, ________ and imported _________, ______. The spread of Islam to northeastern Africa created favorable conditions to trade.


10 The leading kingdom is west Africa. Kingdoms in the west emerged due to the gold-salt exchange. In the 1000s Ghana was incredibly prosperous. The kingdom was a target for attacks- primarily due to the wealth of the area. Berber tribes (Islam) fought to obtain control of the Sahara trade.


12 Controlled the area held by Ghana and more. Reached its peak under the rule of __________. He made a pilgrimage to Mecca with as many as 80,000 slaves. He supported _____, _______, _________. __________ was a center for Islamic learning. Mali faced attack by Sunni Ali, the leader of another tribal group and Mali fell.

13 Musa was a devoted Muslim, and Islamic scholarship flourished under his rule. With Musa as a benefactor, Sankore University in Timbuktu reached its height. Craftsmen and especially Islamic scholars came from all over the Muslim world to receive a free education. On the way to Mecca, when he passed through Cairo in July of 1324, he was reportedly accompanied by a caravan that included thousands of people and nearly a hundred camels,.On the path to Mecca, Mansa Musa had around five or six slaves or apprentices walking in front of him, sprinkling gold dust before his feet, so that he could walk on gold. He had this done because the Mansa would apparently not take a step without stepping on gold.


15 Ibn Battuta traveled almost 75,000 miles in his lifetime. Almost all that is known about Ibn Battuta's life comes from one source – Ibn Battuta himself. In places the things he claims he saw or did are probably fanciful, but in many others there is no way to know whether he is reporting or story-telling.


17 Centered around the trade city of _______. Sunni Ali was a strong leader. He expanded the borders through military endeavors and he ran the government efficiently.

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