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Bellringer  Does contemporary society in general treat girls and boys equally in terms of educational capacities and opportunities? Explain!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer  Does contemporary society in general treat girls and boys equally in terms of educational capacities and opportunities? Explain!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer  Does contemporary society in general treat girls and boys equally in terms of educational capacities and opportunities? Explain!!!

2 3-2-1  3 Things you learned from the previous lesson  2 Facts you found interesting  1 question you still have

3 The Protestant Reformation Chapter 5.3

4 Martin Luther  Began the Protestant Reformation in the Early 16 th Century.  Divided the western Church into Catholic and Protestant groups.

5 Christian Humanism  Italian Humanism spread to northern Europe creating Christian Humanism.  Believed in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves.  MAIN GOAL: Reform the Catholic Church through religious feeling, based on studying the works of Christianity.

6 Desiderius Erasmus  Best know Christian humanist.  Developed the “Philosophy of Christ”  1509 wrote The Praise of the Folly  “Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.”

7 Reasons for a change?  Corruption in the Catholic Church.  Popes more concerned with political interests of States.  Pope Julius II “Warrior Pope”

8 Church Officials Cash In….  Church officials use their positions for career advances and wealth.  Local priest ignoring spiritual duties, failing to instruct on salvation: Acceptance into heaven  Venerating a saint could gain an indulgence: Release from all or part of punishment for sin

9 Martin Luther  Monk & Professor at the University of Wittenberg

10 Martin Luther’s Beliefs  Came to reject the Catholic teaching that faith and good works were required for salvation.  Believed that salvation was through faith alone.  For all Protestants, the Bible, not the Church, became the primary source of religious truth.

11 Indulgences Propaganda “ As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” - Monk Johann Tetzel

12 The Ninety Five Thesis  October 31, 1517, Luther posted his Ninety Five Thesis on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.  1000’s of copies sent out all over Germany.

13 A Break with the Church  Luther excommunicated from Church in 1521.  Luther declared an outlaw by the Edict of Worms. Books to burned and ordered to be turned over to the emperor.

14 The Rise of Lutheranism  Luther’s movement became a revolution.  Set up services to replace Mass, consisting of: Bible readings, preaching, and song  Doctrine became known as Lutheranism: The first Protestant faith.


16 Politics in the German Reformation  Holy Roman Emperor Charles V ruled empire consisting of: Spain, Austrian Empire, Bohemia, Hungary, Milan, and Naples  Goal: Keep Hapsburg Dynasty Catholic, but faced problems.

17 Charles Makes Peace  German states could choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism.  Ruler’s allowed to choose their subjects religion.  Agreement did not recognize religious tolerance for individuals.

18 Assignment  Complete Worksheet

19 Assignment  Design your own Martin Luther Poster.  Include five or more of Martin Luther’s theses against the Catholic Church in your own words  You can age your poster for HW.

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