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Reading II 게임을 통한 어휘 복습 지난 시간 읽은 본문 내용에 대한 내용 확인 두 번째 본문을 읽고 내용 이해 질문과 응답을 통한 내용확인.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading II 게임을 통한 어휘 복습 지난 시간 읽은 본문 내용에 대한 내용 확인 두 번째 본문을 읽고 내용 이해 질문과 응답을 통한 내용확인."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading II 게임을 통한 어휘 복습 지난 시간 읽은 본문 내용에 대한 내용 확인 두 번째 본문을 읽고 내용 이해 질문과 응답을 통한 내용확인

2 * 다음 주어진 철자로 만들 수 있는 단어는 ??? * (4 단원 새 단어 중 3 개 ) r o e l v t n a u i w retire violent allow

3 * 주어진 단어를 이용하여 본문에 나오는 문장 만들기 1. soccer, one, popular, world 2. game rules, different, today’s Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world popular sports in the world Game rules were quite different from today’s rules

4 * Say this in Korean * 1. The game usually became so violent that many people were hurt or even died. * 2. Several kings tried to stop people from playing soccer, but it was too popular to stop.

5 1. Who started the modern form of soccer and when? 2. 다음 중 soccer-like games 을 즐기지 않은 사 람들은 누규 ? ① the Vikings ② the Romans ③ The Greeks ④ The Mayans ⑤ The Africans The English, 200 years ago

6 Fill in the blanks 1. Soccer-like games mean the games ______ __ soccer. 2. China is the country ______ the oldest record of a soccer-like game was found. 3. The chinese played a game _____ tsu chu Similar to where called

7 O/X 1. The Japanese played tsu chu to train sport players. 2. In old England, soccer games were often played between rival countries. X X villages X soldiers X medieval X

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