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Welcome to Fifth Grade Parent Night! Ms. Crutcher’s Class-2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fifth Grade Parent Night! Ms. Crutcher’s Class-2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fifth Grade Parent Night! Ms. Crutcher’s Class-2015-2016

2 Our Class Rules… 1. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized. 2. Listen carefully and follow directions. 3. Walk quietly in the halls and restrooms. 4. Be prepared for class. 5. Respect others and their property.

3 8:45-9:10-Early Dino Work 9:10-10:30-Math 10:30-12:00-ELA 12:05-12:30-Lunch 12:35-12:50-Recess 12:55-1:45-LAMPS 1:45-2:45-Intervention 2:45-3:45-Science/Social Studies 3:45-4:00-Get Ready for Dismissal Our Schedule

4 Our LAMPS Schedule  Monday-Music-12:55-1:45  Tuesday-Art-12:45-1:45  Wednesday-P. E.-12:45-1:45  Thursday-12:45-1:45  Week A-Guidance  Week B-Library-Friday  Friday-Week A-Fitness-12:45-1:45

5 Homework… Math Homework is assigned daily. Science Homework is assigned at the beginning of the week.

6 Collierville Schools Grading Scale… Academic Subjects A =100-93 B=92-85 C=84-75 D=74-70 F=69 or below Conduct E=Excellent G=Good S=Satisfactory N=Need Improvement U=Unsatisfactory

7 Homework Policy 100% Completion of Assignments Turned in on time Conduct card marked for missing homework Missed work allowed the same numbers of days absent

8 Parent/Teacher Communication *Conduct Cards -Sent home each Friday for Parent Initials *Planner -Check each Monday through Thursday nights *Teacher Webpage-access from school website -Updated each Monday -Check for changes after 5pm *

9 Questions and Answers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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