The Book Worm Looking at Language and literature for Youth Sneak peak at new Book Sapphire By Rosie Burrough Movies Vs Books The Good and The Bad Your.

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1 The Book Worm Looking at Language and literature for Youth Sneak peak at new Book Sapphire By Rosie Burrough Movies Vs Books The Good and The Bad Your Poems Interview with the elusive Jordie Baird Issue 156 June 2 nd 2010

2 Editorial Literature is a large part of my life and has a big impact on how I view the world. This may not be true for all adolescents, but that might be due to what literature today's youth is exposed to. I read all sorts of books, everything from old classics, to new releases and this gives me some perspective of how much literature has changed, and not always for the better. Youth have created their own language to such an extent that proper English is almost being forgotten and I think this is a crying shame, because language used properly, can be one of the most beautiful creations. The evolution of language is natural, as you can see when you compare Shakespearian language to what we now speak, when previously excepted swear words have started to appear in everyday language you know there is a problem. So let us pay attention to the changes going on around us so we can help preserve the English language in all its glory. What's Up? Pg.1………Editorial Pg.2………Movies Vs Books Pg.3………Readers Choice Pg.5………New Releases Pg.6………Art Page Pg.7………A Rebellious Review Pg.8………Poetry Corner Pg.9-10………New Reads Pg.11………Interview Pg.12………Comic strips Going Downhill Fast Pg.13………Your Poems Pg.14………Letters from our Readers Rosie Burrough 1

3 Movies Vs Books Should I read the book? Nah I won’t bother I’ll just watch the movie. Have you heard this before? I have, and quite honestly it disgusts me every time. The world has become so fast paced that people don’t have time to sit and read a book anymore, and this is only escalated by Hollywood. Books that have been made into movies is one of my biggest, pet peeves because it doesn’t work most of the time. Then the rest of the time you end up with a watered down, or completely made up storyline, which corrupts a previous readers feelings, and impressions of the book. A good example of this is the Harry Potter Movies, don’t get me wrong they are very good but completely different from the books. The HP series is one of my all time favorites, because of this I know them quite well, (as in I could recite passages). So I find it insulting when crucial characters and situations are cut out of the movies completely, meanwhile new plotlines are created in order to make up for the before mentioned lost ones. Another bad thing about these movies is the character building, the biggest for me being the destruction of Ginny Weasleys Character. In the Book she is a fierce confident firebrand, always ready to fight for what she believes. Then inexplicably in the movie her character has been diluted and simplified to the stage that she wouldn’t say boo to a goose. I Find this horrible and an offense to the fans of the books. I’m not saying that all Movies made from books are bad The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is a positive example of how good these movies can be when the director and writers stick as close as possible to the original plots. All I am really saying is that some books really shouldn’t be made into movies. 2

4 Readers Choice This is the section where you, the reader, get to send in your favorite piece, whether it be a poem, an article or a comic strip. Please email your entries to us at, with a 100 word explanation of why we should feature your This weeks is sent to us from Hailey Smith from Rossburn Mb Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade! "Charge for the guns!" he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred. Flash'd all their sabres bare, Flash'd as they turn'd in air, Sabring the gunners there, Charging an army, while All the world wonder'd: Plunged in the battery-smoke Right thro' the line they broke; Cossack and Russian Reel'd from the sabre stroke Shatter'd and sunder'd. Then they rode back, but not Not the six hundred. Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon behind them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell, They that had fought so well Came thro' the jaws of Death Back from the mouth of Hell, All that was left of them, Left of six hundred. When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honor the charge they made, Honor the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred. Copied from Poems of Alfred Tennyson, J. E. Tilton and Company, Boston, 1870 3

5 New and Used Books Reasonable Prices Sick of paying astronomical prices for the books you love? Come to BookEnds!!!!!! 1960 Main st. Rossburn 4

6 Out Now The Carrie Diaries –By Candace Bushnell The Necromancer (The secrets of the immortal Nicolas Flammel #4) –Micheal Scott Spells –Aprilynne Pike Incarceron –Catherine Fisher New Releases that might be of interest. 5

7 A medley of our editors Favorite Pictures 6

8 Rebellious Review The Rebels of Ireland by Edward Rutherford is a fascinating novel which follows the history of Ireland, while focusing on a variety of characters from all walks of life. The book takes place over a long period of time starting in the late 16 th century and ending in the early 20 th and is the sequel to Rutherford's Princes of Ireland. Riots, famine and religious persecution sweep a reader off their feet. The novel is mainly set in Dublin and in the small town of Rathconan where the reader watches the land be bartered and stolen throughout the book. Religion is a huge part of the book as the suppression and rebellion of the Catholics color the story. The different kings of England give hope and despair while revolutionaries on both sides fight and die for their causes. I’d like to compare this novel to A Horseman Riding By by R.F. Delderfield which is another historic novel, which follows the evolution of life after WW1, in a small village in England. Both novels are long and complex, and people mistake this attention to detail for being drawn out, and boring, but I believe that they show an awesome sense of description, which helps the reader visualize the characters and their surroundings. I am a great fan of both these books but I find that The Rebels of Ireland has more appeal to me for its intense emotions, and refreshing humor, that shine through the grim situations. The Rebels of Ireland is an awesome read, but it is a bit long, so is therefore not for everyone. The twisting plotlines enthrall those who have a love for history, and those who don’t. So if you are interested in a challenge and lots of enjoyment in your next book, The Rebels of Ireland is a must. Title- The Rebels of Ireland Author- Edward Rutherford Number of pages- 896 in paperback Published-First published 2004 Rating 7

9 Poetry Corner Youth Who am I? Tell me please I’d really like to know I’m still learning Searching, finding Discovering the world. Who am I? Speak up free The wait is killing me I’m still thinking Assessing, pondering Learning to live my life. Who am I? I’ll tell you I finally figured it out I am evolving Growing, rising I will emerge as ME! By Rosie Burrough Heartbreaking What is to break a heart? But to kill a dream of what could be Could you break a heart? If you knew it beat only for you. Should you break a heart? When the choice is life or death. Would you break a heart? For what society demands. By Rosie Burrough Society is you and me Society is you and me. Everyone's a piece of they. Very much of what we do Ends up as words that others say. No I exists except as we, Though he and she are part of you; Each pronoun's only partly true, Each life becomes another's way. No one alone can simply be. By Dimitri Shostakovich Sleep Sleep on through the lonely night, Know your safe and warm. Sleep on through to mornings light, When colors dash the sky. Slumber true amongst the dark, Wander though your mind. Slumber true till call of lark, Then wake as life goes by. Dream of light and shadow, Until your time is done. Dream of love and hardship, Until your life is finished. Anonymous A favored selection from our editors 8

10 New Reads Excerpt from a new book Sapphire By Rosie Burrough In a sacred land deep in the woods, the last of a race long forgotten receives a wake up call from the outside world. Sapphire has been in reclusion for long years when an injured stranger wanders into her home. Will she work against the odds to save him, and his world that has forever shunned her? Or will she rise to the challenge of a new complicated life? The trees rustled outside her cave as she braided her long black hair. When she finished she slowly looked around her humble dwelling, remembering a time when she was young and carefree. Her mother had braided her hair for her, sang the old songs to her, and looked after her. But she shook herself from her musings, moving away from that time of long ago. She stood up and ambled out into the dusk. The smell of the woods surrounded her, while the bird song soaked into her being, so she felt at one with the forest. This was her favourite time of the day when the sun set behind the majestic mountain casting long shadows across the lonely plains. She started out of her dazed state as she heard the regular hoof beats of a horse approaching. She rushed back to her cave presuming an injured child was being brought to her for healing because that was the only human visitors she normally received. She had just finished preparing the bed when the horse broke through the vegetation around her clearing. To her surprise, it wasn’t a frenzied hysterical parent with a limp child in their arms. It was a young man, he was hunched over the front of his saddle onto the horse’s neck. The horse startled by the sudden clearing lessened its pace to a walk, then dropped its head in exhaustion. As the neck arched down the stranger lolled forward and slipped gracefully down over the shoulder onto the springy grass at its feet. She quickly moved to the mans side where he lay face down in an ungainly heap. As she turned him over, he let out a long low groan from deep in the back of his throat. She laid him out flat on his back smoothing his jerkin over his chest. When she removed her hands from his chest they were covered in fresh blood. It was then she realized that his clothes had soaked black with blood. With some difficulty (as he was considerably bigger than her) she gently levitated him off the ground and into her cave. Using her powers came naturally to her but it also came at a price. She could lift great weights with her gifts, but it drained her energies quickly. Most of the time it cost her less energy to do things physically but in this case the stranger was big enough that using her powers was necessary. Once he was settled on the makeshift bed she set about healing his wounds. She realized at once that his chest had been punctured by an arrow, that had later been removed. It was several hours old, but it was still bleeding sluggishly. She made a powerful clotting solution from alethona root, then persuaded the spiders in the corner of her home to weave a silk bandage for her to apply to his chest to keep the solution from contamination. 9

11 The man started murmuring as the fever caught a hold of his body. She couldn’t hear most of the words but those she did she couldn’t comprehend. It was mostly odd words like betrayal, that something needed to be done, and the name Matthew. After tending his wound she covered him with blankets to reduce his chance of catching a chill, she then went outside again. She sat on the edge of a rock outside the opening to her home listening to the quickly darkening night. An owl hooted in the distance but the sharpness of the call caught her attention. It was a warning of men on the road, but that didn’t make sense at this time of the year. The road was used by soldiers to travel to the neighbouring lands to go to war, but It was coming up to winter so any war would have to wait till spring. This meant little to her as she rarely ventured beyond the boundaries her home. She returned to the cave at the strangled cry of the man. She knelt beside him dripping fresh spring water onto his parched lips, then onto his forehead and neck, but he didn’t surface from his tortured slumber. When she saw the terrified look on his face she knew something needed to be done. She decided on a soothing solution though it could be dangerous, it could drop his body temperature too much, but it was a risk that needed to be taken she could sense it and knew it was the only thing to be done. She had most of the ingredients in her store but had to go get the last ingredient which only grew on the roadside because it lived off noise, and voices, like others would live of sunlight. She made sure the man was as comfortable as it was possible to make him because it would take her several hours to get to the road and back, especially in the dark. She would normally have waited until light, but she had a nagging feeling that if the fever didn’t break soon it never would. As she travelled closer to the road the constant drumming of boots on hard ground grew louder. She didn’t understand why so many soldiers would be moving so close to winter, invasions normally waited until spring. She reached the road and started searching for the herb. It wasn’t hard to find, she had never seen it flourishing so wide, obviously the road had been busier than usual. She cut away the precious leaves and wrapped them in cloth before she made her way back to the cave. The forest silence was pressing down on her as it never had before. All animals seem to be hiding, but all her concentration was on the stranger in the cave and how to make him better. The journey back to the cave was strange without her usual animal companions, the stillness of the night weighed upon her as she travelled the little known paths. Her mind wandered as she walked swiftly back through the silver backed trees. Who was this stranger? Where did he come from? She broke through the foliage back into her clearing, then went straight to work. She stirred the herbs together over the fire, quietly chanting words her mother taught her that were long forgotten in the outside world. When the colour started to change from green to a deep purple, she quickly took it off the heat and left it out in the night air to cool. She returned to the stranger’s side looking down on his pained face. He was handsome in a dark way, he had dark brown almost black hair, a strong jaw line and smooth high cheek bones. The only mar in the still young face was a jagged scar etched into the skin down his left cheekbone. She covered his forehead with her hand which caused the muscles in his jaw to twitch, as his skin burned against hers. He groaned deep as he looked through blurry eyes at the face of a black haired angel. He thought “I’ve died and gone to heaven” then he fell back onto the bed then into unconsciousness. All you ever need to know about anything. Available in a book store near you. Teens Guide to the Galaxy By Sammy Sytnyk 10

12 Interview with Jordie Baird on Teen Literature Q. How often do you read? A.. Around a book a week. Q. What Kind of books do you read? A.. Mostly historic fiction, but I dabble in everything. Q. What is you favorite book and why? A.. That is like asking which of my children I would sacrifice. Q. How does a books tone affect how you feel? A.. Enormously when Dobby (the house elf) died in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I nearly cried, because the tone was so dismal already Q. Do you feel that Television has taken over the entertainment of youth? Instead of reading. A.. Yes television is the bane of humanity. Reading is like Jesus. Q. Do books help you learn about the world? A.. Yes, Why else do you think I’m so smart. Q. Do you feel that reading fiction should be important to the youth of today? A.. Yes Fiction is the best medium for free expression and flexible learning out there. Q. Does Pop culture affect what you read? why or why not? A.. No, Because pop culture likes the Twilight series and I find it repulsive. In this interview we will explore how youth views reading. Jordie Baird is a Grade 11 student at Rossburn Collegiate Institute. An honor role student, he has first hand experience of how reading can enrich ones life. He is very much involved with sport having gone to Cross country skiing National but is also an unexpected book worm. In the following Jordie brings to light his controversial opinions and interesting analogies about why Literature should be important to you. 11

13 Comic strips going downhill fast Once upon a time, the comic strip played an important role in satisfying young people’s entertainment quotient. Things have changed and comic strips are not as popular as they used to be. Parental boycotts of violating publishing houses have further damaged the already failing market which provides an opportunity for Vietnamese comic strips to make a comeback (Photo: U.Phuong) In the old days, comic books were a top choice for parents seeking to entertain their kids. Multitudes of different comic strips and books were once available for from which primary students and teenagers could choose. Now, among 50 publishing houses in the country, only the Kim Dong Publishing House and the Youth Publishing House still publish picture books. Yet the two publishing houses have seen a decline in profits within the once thriving comic strip market. Kim Dong only makes half of what it used to while Youth Publishing House’s profits have decreased by 90 percent. The extreme decline in profits can be partly attributed to the fact that many young people read their comic cartoons online. Comic-book lovers have even translated collections of funnies into Vietnamese and uploaded them onto the internet, where readers can read gratis. Another reason for the decline in sales is that Vietnamese publishing houses have printed strips without permission from overseas publishing companies, which refused to sell more stories until Vietnamese counterparts have paid copyright fees for stories previously printed illegally. Moreover, violating copyright law has badly affected honest publishing houses. For instance, Youth Publishing House paid a lot for the copyright dues for the story, “The Legend of the Condor Heroes,” written by Kim Dung. However, the company only profited slightly, because the Humanity Publishing House had published the Dung’s entire series without permission. The sharp decrease in legally published comic stories has negatively impacted young readers, as well as encouraged the illegal sale of works obtained without permission. Magnates, knowing that teens still love reading comic strips, have taken advantage of the situation by publishing lurid materials, such as those filled with erotic drawings, violence and subversive words. Materials reprinted without permission are not edited or checked by proper authorities. This has caused anger among parents who have come to consider printed cartoons to be form of cultural degeneration. Parental boycotts of violating publishing houses have further damaged the already failing market. Meanwhile, Tri Duc of Youth Publishing House found a positive angle to these developments. He said the situation provides an opportunity for Vietnamese comic strips to make a comeback. Homegrown comics will now appear favorable to their Japanese, Chinese and Korean counterparts, which have earned a negative reputation among parents. However, publishing houses need to modernize their comics in order to be successful in today’s market. By Tuong Vy - Translated by Uyen Phuong 12

14 Please email your entries to us at, Do you want to have your work published? Send it to us and we can help you achieve your goal. Send us your poem with your contact information and we can help hook you up with one of our youth publishers. Here are some that you have already sent. Friendship Friendship, on a tree, is a flower, A flower as pure as snow. It is a force, a special power, Like a beautiful golden flow. It is like a ray of sunlight, Enlightening every dream, Full of colours, vivid and bright, All together in a beam. It is a transparent crystal, That is nothing but clear It is fantastic, magical And keeps all your friends near. It is something you shall never forget, For it is friendship, the Ultimate. Suryamayi (14, girl) Fear He takes control of your mind He tosses it around He brings up thoughts that don't exist. Like a shadow he follows you As if to be unseen. He walks behind your back And murmurs wicked words While you feel him get hold of you While you feel yourself losing control. When all is quiet and peaceful You can hear a creak once in a while As fear approaches like a cat At night, and seizes in panic As all reason leaves your mind And fear takes its place Like the sun takes place of the moon. Mirra (15, girl) Baseball is the time that baseball starts, It is in our minds, it is in our hearts, The score is tied, 3 to 3, It is the bottom of the 9th, And it is up to me, The coach gives the signal, It is ok to swing, I swing the bat and I hear a bing, Oh gee, Oh no, it is a pop fly, Way up in the sky, I feel sick like I am going to die, As I round second and almost to third, The center fielder drops it because he is a nerd, I slide home, look up, "Safe" I hear the umpire say, The Tigers have won the game today, After the game the guys lift me up on their shoulders but I won't fall, Because today I feel 10 feet tall! by Tim MontanoSpring 13 Your poems

15 Letters from our readers Dear Bookworm I have been reading this magazine for months and I really enjoy the topical articles and fun entries. The article in last weeks edition about The Lord of the Rings Trilogy was fascinating I never realized how meaningful the small details can be. I also really enjoy the “Your Poems” section because it gives me an insight as to how other people my age write, and gives me enough confidence that one day I might send one in. Sincerely Abbey (15) Dear Bookworm I picked up your magazine last week by accident, I meant to pick up seventeen, but I found some of the articles truly interesting. To be honest I don’t read books all that much as I have a job and don’t have time. But after reading your magazine I found myself opening up the book by mum gave me for Christmas and thoroughly enjoying sinking into it. The art of reading is being lost and you helped open my eyes to that. Thankfully Sarah (17) 14

16 “Great Books For Teens.” Teenagers Guide to the Real World. May 28 2010. Teen ink. May 31 2010. Teen Lit. May 31 2010. “Art, Books and Literature.” May 31 2010. “Best Books for Young Adults.” ALA. e.cfm June 1 2010 e.cfm Looking for more Information? Check some of these out Look out for the next edition for the newest scoop on your books

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