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It’s Reading Workshop Day! 1.Get your reading folder and make updates to your reading record. 2.Get your literary notebook and set up a type 2.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s Reading Workshop Day! 1.Get your reading folder and make updates to your reading record. 2.Get your literary notebook and set up a type 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s Reading Workshop Day! 1.Get your reading folder and make updates to your reading record. 2.Get your literary notebook and set up a type 2.

2 Type 2: Identify the collective nouns... 1.The troop of boy scouts were lost in the woods. 2.Our class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 3.We watched the fleet of ships leave the harbor. 4.A herd of bison was stranded on the plains.

3 Type 2: Identify the collective nouns... 1.The troop of boy scouts were lost in the woods. 2.Our class meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 3.We watched the fleet of ships leave the harbor. 4.A herd of bison was stranded on the plains.

4 Today’s Agenda: 1.Mini Lesson: Nouns of direct address 2.Work Time: Independent reading and noun application 3.Debrief: Turn and Talk

5 A noun of direct address is... a name of a person. a word that names the person(s) being spoken to. set off by a comma. Examples: – Come here, Sydney. – What do you think of this, Jon ? – Sam, knock it off!

6 A noun of direct address is... sometimes the name of a relative. Examples: – Can I go to the party, Mom ? – Dad, pick me up at 3:00. – Granny, can you make your famous apple pie? Non-examples: xI asked my mom if I could go to the party. xIs your dad picking you up? xMy granny makes the best apple pie.

7 Nouns of direct address... are NOT the subject of a sentence! If an imperative sentence (command or request) contains a noun of direct address, the subject is understood to be “you”, – Jack, walk the dog. – What’s the subject? – Jack, [you] walk the dog. – What’s “ Jack ”? – A noun of direct address.

8 As you read... Find three sentences that use a noun of direct address. Write examples in your yellow journal.

9 Turn and talk... Share your sentences that use a noun of direct address.

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