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Cultural Nationalism p Education  The “Virtuous Citizen” p An American form of English  Noah Webster.

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3 Cultural Nationalism p Education  The “Virtuous Citizen” p An American form of English  Noah Webster

4 Cultural Nationalism p A well-defined American literature  Washington Irving The Sketch Book, 1819-20 “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

5 Cultural Nationalism Religious Movements:  Deism  Second “Great Awakening”

6 The Second “Great Awakening:” Revivalist Meeting

7 Charles G. Finney The ranges of tents, the fires, reflecting light…; the candles and lamps illuminating the encampment; hundreds moving to and fro…;the preaching, praying, singing, and shouting,… like the sound of many waters, was enough to swallow up all the powers of contemplation. “soul-shaking” conversion

8 The “Benevolent Empire”

9 “Burned-Over” District in Upstate New York

10 American Bible Society Founded in 1816

11 Economic Nationalism p Encourage Creativity & Inventiveness. p Create a Transportation Infrastructure. p Create a Pro-Business Atmosphere. Jefferson’s Vision of America Hamilton’s Vision of America Role of Govt.

12 Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791 Actually invented by a slave!

13 Whitney’s Gun Factory Interchangeable Parts Rifle

14 First Turnpike Lancaster, PA (1790) By 1832, nearly 2400 mi. of road connected most major cities.

15 Cumberland “National Road,” 1811

16 Conestoga Covered Wagons Conestoga Trail, 1820s

17 Yankee Clipper Ships

18 Robert Fulton & the Steamboat The Clermont

19 Erie Canal System

20 The Erie Canal, 1820s

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