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Take 10-15 minutes to finish Chapter 11 Map Activity If you finish, begin Chapter 11.1 Sequence diagram.

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Presentation on theme: "Take 10-15 minutes to finish Chapter 11 Map Activity If you finish, begin Chapter 11.1 Sequence diagram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take 10-15 minutes to finish Chapter 11 Map Activity If you finish, begin Chapter 11.1 Sequence diagram

2 Chapter 11 National & Regional Growth or The “ Era of Good Feelings ”? (1816 -1824) Chapter 11 National & Regional Growth or The “ Era of Good Feelings ”? (1816 -1824)

3 Today’s Learning Target: Ch.11.1 Analyze how the Industrial Revolution transforms the American economy & society


5 Cumberland (National Road), 1811

6 Principal Canals in 1840

7 National & Regional Growth Map Activity 1.Wheeling and Vandalia 2. Hudson River 3. Lake Erie and the Ohio River 4. Toledo and Cincinnati 5. Erie Canal and Pennsylvania Canal 6. Chicago, Toledo, Cleveland, and Buffalo 7. Possible answer: merchant might send the goods up the Hudson River to Albany and then west along the Erie Canal to Buffalo

8 Read, “One American’s Story” p. 365 Now, examine the diagram of the New England textile mill p. 370 What do you notice about the mill? What might working conditions be like in these mills? Read, “Factories Rise in New England” p. 366

9 Industry develops & transforms America Late 1700s1790 After 1790 1801 18131830s Industrial Revolution begins in Britain as factories start to replace hand tools Samuel Slater builds first American spinning mill & uses children as labor Spinning mill owners begin to use entire families for labor Eli Whitney demonstrates the use of interchangeable parts Francis Cabot Lowell builds a factory that spins yarn & weaves cloth from it Factories begin to replace water power with steam engines

10 Early inventions change the way Americans do things 18071830 1831 1836 18371844 Robert Fulton launches the first steamship the Clermont, on the Hudson River Peter Cooper builds the first successful steam- powered locomotive Cyrus McCormick gains instant success by designing a mechanical reaper Blacksmith John Deere invents a lightweight plow with a steel cutting edge Samuel F.B. Morse invents the telegraph First long-distance telegraph line carries news from Baltimore to Washington D.C.

11 Invention Importance Textile Mills Interchangeable Parts Steamboat Telegraph Steel plow Mechanical Reaper Threshing Machine

12 Invention Importance Textile Mills Interchangeable Parts Steamboat Telegraph Steel plow Mechanical Reaper Threshing Machine Brought workers, machines, & resources under one roof – transforms work. Parts are the same so assembly is faster Make travel upstream faster, easier Stronger, cuts better, faster. Cuts grain and makes harvesting faster Separates grain from stalk – harvesting is fas ter Communication is almost instant, links the nation


14 American Industrial Revolution Economic change in America (farming to manufacturing) Factory machines replaced hand tools Large scale manufacturing replaced farming as the main form of work.

15 Factory System Production system that brought workers & machines under one roof Built near a source of water power eventually used steam power Workers left farms & moved to cities Work for wages First factories were in New England

16 Samuel Slater (“Father of the Factory System”)

17 The Lowell/Waltham (Massachusetts) Factory System: Lowell’s town - 1814

18 Lowell in 1850

19 Lowell Mill

20 Early Textile Loom

21 New England Textile Centers: 1830s

22 Lowell Girls What was their typical “profile?”

23 Lowell Mills Time Table

24 Irish Immigrant Girls at Lowell

25 I’m a Factory Girl Filled with Wishes I'm a factory girl Everyday filled with fear From breathing in the poison air Wishing for windows! I'm a factory girl Tired from the 13 hours of work each day And we have such low pay Wishing for shorten work times! I'm a factory girl Never having enough time to eat Nor to rest my feet Wishing for more free time! I'm a factory girl Sick of all this harsh conditions Making me want to sign the petition! So do what I ask for because I am a factory girl And I'm hereby speaking for all the rest!

26 New England Dominance in Textiles

27 Eli Whitney’s Gun Factory Interchangeable Parts Rifle


29 First Turnpike- 1790 Lancaster, PA By 1832, nearly 2400 mi. of road connected most major cities.

30 Cumberland (National Road), 1811

31 Conestoga Covered Wagons Conestoga Trail, 1820s

32 Robert Fulton & the Steamboat 1807: The Clermont

33 Erie Canal System

34 Erie Canal, 1820s Begun in 1817; completed in 1825

35 Principal Canals in 1840

36 John Deere & the Steel Plow (1837)

37 Cyrus McCormick & the Mechanical Reaper: 1831

38 Samuel F. B. Morse 1840 – Telegraph

39 Cyrus Field & the Transatlantic Cable, 1858

40 Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791 Actually invented by a slave!


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