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The Lewis and Clark Expedition

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1 The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Alex T., Laura T., Trudie H.

2 What They Were Doing Lewis’ dog, Seaman They were gone for a year.
They met very many Indian tribes, and made peace with some of the tribes. Lewis had a dog, Seaman, that went on the trip with Lewis and Clark. They brought presents for the Native American tribes, because they wanted to make peace with them and tell them that their new leader was Thomas Jefferson. Lewis’ dog, Seaman

3 Why they did it Lewis and Clark were assigned to explore the Louisiana territory because Thomas Jefferson bought the land and didn’t know what was there. Clark was a friend of Lewis. They knew a lot about nature and plants. They were trusted by Thomas Jefferson, and he believed they could do it. Sacagawea Lewis and Clark

4 Who where Lewis and Clark?
Lewis and Clark where to men chosen by president Thomas Jefferson to go on a expedition. They where to go and explore the Louisiana territory that Thomas Jefferson had bought. They both had different personality and habits. Lewis had a habit of walking on shore with his dog Seaman a Newfoundland. And Clark liked to stay in the boat and supervise the man Despite how they liked to travel the also thought differently about the people they met. Lewis thought the Indians were savages but Clark thought they were fascinating. Clack had medical experience and helped lots of Indians. Clark had a slave named York, York saved Sacagawea and her baby Pupy from droning in a river.

5 When were Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark were on the expedition through The expedition lasted two whole years! The blue is the part were Lewis and Clark traveled.

6 Where were Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark were in the Louisiana territory They were in the Louisiana territory because they bought the land and they were trying to

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