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Jacksonian Democracy and the Second Party System.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacksonian Democracy and the Second Party System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacksonian Democracy and the Second Party System

2 The US in 1824

3 The John Quincy Adams Administration Nationalist Agenda Public Land Sales for Funding Roads and Canals National University Scientific Expeditions National Observatory But Adams is too autocratic, Congress rejects many of his plans.

4 Jacksonian Democracy All white men are created equal –All white men get to vote –Women and Blacks exist to serve them Frontiersman Attitudes –Pro-Farmer; anti-Bank –Pro-killing Indians to get land too

5 Second Great Awakening (1800- 1844) Spread of Revivalism Emphasis on Personal Choice of Salvation Locally Controlled Congregations –Baptists –Methodists –Presbyterians Women especially convert

6 The Jacksonian Party Southern Slave Owners Western Farmers Northern Machine Politics—Martin Van Buren and the Albany Regency –Mass Mobilization enables victory! Jackson's Victory in 1828 –56% of the vote

7 Jackson in Command The Spoils System –Give your political allies jobs in the government to reward service! Indian Removal Act of 1830 –$500 million to bribe/force tribes to move to Oklahoma –Some try to fight and fail –1840: Cherokee sent on Trail of Tears; 25% die in trip to Oklahoma

8 Indian Removal, 1830s

9 John C. Calhoun and Nicholas Biddle

10 Nullification Crisis (1832) Can South Carolina Nullify the Tariff of 1832? Jackson Threatens to Kill Them All SC backs down but slave owners turn against Jackson John C. Calhoun

11 The Bank War (1832) Nicholas BiddleJackson vetoes recharter of National Bank Moves all funds to banks his allies run Jackson re-elected by 54% of vote

12 Martin Van Buren (1837-41)

13 The Failure of Van Buren Only Skilled at Being Elected Panic of 1837 (1837-43) –The Specie Circular crashes the finance system –20% Unemployment –Van Buren has no tools or ideas to solve it The Rise of Abolitionism –Van Buren has no idea what to do. –South berserkly limits civil liberties

14 The Rise of the Whigs Southern Planters and Northern Merchants both hate Jackson for different reasons Initially, they are incompetent at running elections, fielding FOUR candidates in 1836.

15 The Whig Platform Limited Executive Power Federally sponsored –Roads, Canals, Rail –Tariffs to protect Trade Socially Conservative (Evangelicals) Anti-Immigrant

16 William Henry Harrison (1841) First Whig President Elected by pretending not to be rich Dies almost immediately of pneumonia

17 John Tyler (1841-5) First VP to become President Only Whig due to hating Jackson Vetoes Whig plans, so everyone hates him Nearly Impeached Has 15 kids!!!!

18 Webster-Ashburton Treaty

19 Webster and Foreign Policy The Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) –Borders set –Cooperation in fight vs. slave trade Pro-Southern Foreign Policy –Annexation of Texas attempt (1844)

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