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KINGDOM PLANTAE General Features 1. Their cells are eucaryotes(they have true nuclei). 2. They are multicellular organisms 3. They are non-motile 4. They have cell walls made up of cellulose 5. They have chlorophyll in their chloroplast for photosynthesis DIVISION OF PLANT KINGDOM 1. Thallophyta 2. Bryophyta
3. Pteridophyta 4. Spermatophyta DIVISION THALLOPHYTA a. They are mainly algae b. Simple green plants that are aquatic c. Plant body is thread-like(filamentous) or flat( thallus). TYPES OF ALGAE a. Red algae(Rhodophyta e.g polysiphonis-marine algae) b. Brown algae(phaeophyta, kelp and sargassum) c. Green algae(chlorophyta e.g volvox)
DIVISION BRYOPHYTA Classes: mosses and liverworts Features a. They are small green plants b. They are found in moist and damp places c. They have false root called rhizoid for anchorage. d. They have no true roots, stems or leaves e. They lack vascular tissue (xylem and phloem). f. They need water for fertilization g. Male sexual organs are called antheridia and the female organs are archegonia
h. They exhibit alternation of generation(life cycle is composed into two stages). These are
* gametophytic phase * sporophytic phase FEATURES OF MOSSES a. They have more differential structures than liverworts b. They are small c. They usually form dense cushions d. Water is essential for fertilization e. Mosses include funaria, Mnium and Sphagnum.
a. They are more simple in structure than mosses b. They are found in damp and shady places c. Water is essential for fertilization d. Liverworts includes Pellia, Marchantia and Lophocoles, Riccia e.t.c DIVISION PTERIDOPHYTA Features a. They are non flowering plants and do not produce seeds b. They posses true roots, stems and leaves(fonds) c. They have vascular tissue (xylem and phloem)
d. They are found in most and shady places
e. Their reproductive organs are multicellular f. They require water for fertilization g. They exhibit alternation of generation in which the sporophyte is dominant but gametophyte is independent h. Pteridophytes are mainly ferns. Examples include polypody, harts tongue, salaginella, lycopodia, equisetum(horsetail), spleenwort e.t.c DIVISION SPERMATOPHYTA Features a. They are seed producing plants
b. They have well developed vascular tissue
c. They have well developed root system, stem and leaves d. They are the most successful land plants e. There is clearly defined alternation of generation. The two groups are a. Gymnosperms b. Angiosperms GYMNOSPERMS Features a. Most trees and shrubs
b. Are seed producing plants
c. They have well developed vascular tissues d. They are terrestrial plants e. They have needle shaped leaves f. Their wood is used for producing timbers and pulp for making papers g. Examples are cycads, pines, spruce, gink, biloba e.t.c. ANGIOSPERMS Features. a.Most complex plant b. Their seeds are endorsed in the fruit
c. They posses true roots, stems and leaves
d. They have well developed vascular system e. They produce flowers for reproduction f. They undergo secondary growth g. They exhibit double fertilization h. They do not need water for fertilization CLASSES OF ANGIOSPERMS * Monocotyledonous(plants with one seed leaf in the seed) * Dicotyledonous( plants with two seed leaves)
Features of Monocotyledonous
a. Leaves are narrow and have parallel venation b. Vascular bundles are scattered and cambium is absent c. Possession of fibrous root system d. The root has many xylem cells without cambium e. The embryo has one cotyledon f. Flower parts are in multiples of three without sepals and petals and are wind pollinated g. They do not undergo secondary growth h. Examples are maize, rice, oil palm e.t.c.
Features of Dicotyledonous
a. Leaves are broad and have reticulate or net venation b. They have tap root system c. Vascular bundles are arranged in ring and contain cambium d. The root contains few xylem cells with vascular cambium located between xylem and phloem cells. f. The embryo has two cotyledons g. Flower parts are in multiples of four or five with sepals and petals and are insect pollinated
h. They usually undergo secondary growth
Examples are mango, orange, cowpea e.t.c ASSIGNMENT Draw and label the following; 1. Mushroom 2. Fern 3. Chlamydomonas 4. Complete maize plant 5. Water leaf
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