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Lesson 9 How Can They Be Heard?. MISSIONS PERSPECTIVES SYLLABUS Cultural Understanding Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 9 How Can They Be Heard?. MISSIONS PERSPECTIVES SYLLABUS Cultural Understanding Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 9 How Can They Be Heard?

2 MISSIONS PERSPECTIVES SYLLABUS Cultural Understanding Culture

3 Homework Review Assignment: Read “Understanding Culture” by Lloyd E. Kwast Pretend you are an “alien” visitor newly arriving to the Teen Mania campus. It is 5:30 a.m. in the morning. What activities do you observe at 5:30 a.m.? (It is Corporate Exercise time.) Describe the culture. 5 pts.

4 Homework Review Assignment: Read “Understanding Culture” by Lloyd E. Kwast Pretend you are an “alien” visitor newly arriving to the Teen Mania campus. When walking into a Teen Mania classroom, you may observe several interesting things. (Remember, you are still an alien.) Pick any class. What do you see? Why does the speaker dress differently? Why are many people seated while one stands? Why is the speaker’s voice amplified? How are people distributed throughout the room? 25 pts.

5 Homework Review Assignment: Read “Understanding Culture” by Lloyd E. Kwast Pretend you are an “alien” visitor aka missionary. If you’ve been to a different country or countries, pick one. (If you haven’t gone yet, pick an outreach in America that you participated in.) What do you remember about the Behavior? Values? Belief? Worldview? of this culture. 20 pts.

6 Homework Grades Record Grades ◦Not turning in homework just grade ◦Weeks 7, 8 & 9 only  Any exceptions PLEASE talk to me after class ◦Record your points during MOVIE ◦Do not tear sheets! ◦Two in front & two in back

7 Understanding Culture End of the Spear What is done? BEHAVIOR Most superficial layer; ◦ST missions Culture is the “superglue” ◦Gives sense of identity Identity that is obviously observed is behavior.

8 Understanding Culture End of the Spear What is best? VALUE Teen Mania values Pre-set decisions that a culture makes between choices commonly faced. Helps those within culture know what they “ought” to do to “fit in”

9 Understanding Culture End of the Spear What is true? BELIEFS Can you find confusion when values and behavior are different than underlying beliefs? Difference between operating beliefs and theoretical beliefs

10 Understanding Culture End of the Spear What is real? WORLDVIEW Answers the deepest questions of our soul: Who am I? Why am I here? Sometimes when a new system of beliefs is introduced, but worldview remains unchallenged, values & behavior reflect the old system

11 Movie Review End of the Spear What is done? BEHAVIOR What is best? VALUES What is true? BELIEFS What is real? WORLDVIEW

12 Mark 8:35 “For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake and the sake of Gospel, will save it.”

13 Jim Elliott paraphrase “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” The rest of the story of the 4 martyred missionaries:

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