EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Leicestershire Learning for Life Leicestershire From Good to Great.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Leicestershire Learning for Life Leicestershire From Good to Great."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Leicestershire Learning for Life Leicestershire From Good to Great

2 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Leicestershire Learning for Life Leadership The Vision Leicestershire County Council is an organisation where outcomes for children and young people are at the centre of all activity and which measures success through: High levels of pupil attainment and progress The inclusion of all children and young people Making learning fun

3 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Leicestershire Learning for Life Leadership The Vision Leicestershire County Council is an organisation where employees, partners and agencies understand that The child comes first The only thing worth going for is excellence This is a shared endeavour Celebrating success is a key part of delivery

4 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Leicestershire Learning for Life Leadership The Goals for 2010 Children and young people in Leicestershire schools make better progress than in schools in any other part of England Teaching and learning in Leicestershire schools is always found to be imaginative, engaging and motivating The leaders and managers are recognised as excellent practitioners and contribute to the national agenda

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