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CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device)

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1 CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device)
Need of CPLD : Due to limitations of SPLDs(PLA and PAL). It is Collection of PLDs and interconnection on same die. Logic gates upto gates. Vendors: Altera, Atmel, Cypress, Philips etc.

2 Structural Block Diagram of CPLD
Programmablen I/O blocks PLD PLD PLD Programmable Interconnect PLD PLD PLD

3 Detail Architecture of CPLD

4 Functional Block

5 Macrocell

6 Macrocell: Consists: AND-OR configuration(5-20 AND gates, OR gates with 5-20 inputs). Ex-OR gate(provides inverted or noninverted output of ORgate). D-Flip-Flop. Multiplexer. Buffer.

7 Advantages of CPLD? • Ease of Design:
With use of HDL & CPLD development tools • Reduced Board Area: As uses VLSI & available in tiny sizes. • Cost of Ownership: Due to less maintenance. • Lower Development Costs • More product revenue: Development cycles are very short & get into market quicker, generates revenue sooner. • Reliability

8 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
Introduced in 1985 by XILINX Company. Since then many different companies developed it: Actel, Altera, Algotronix, Quick Logic, AMD, Cross Point Solutions etc. PLAs: 100s of gate equivalents FPGAs: 1000-few hundred 1000s gates Logic blocks(CLB) Implement combinational and sequential logic Interconnect Wires to connect inputs and outputs to logic blocks I/O blocks Special logic blocks at periphery of device for external connections

9 CLB(Configurable Logic Blocks)
Number of ways defining CLB that it varies from simple AND gate to very complex structure consisting MUX or LUT & so many PLA kind structure.

10 FPGA LOGIC BLOCK 4-input look up table (LUT) Register
Implements combinational logic functions Register Optionally stores output of LUT


12 I/O pads configured as inputs
Selectable 2.5 V or 3.3 V threshold levels Optional pull-up resistor I/O pads configured as outputs Ability to drive LVTTL and LVCMOS levels


14 Xilinx 4000 Interconnect

-Ensemble of gate arrays used to emulate a circuit to be manufactured -Get more/better/faster debugging done than with simulation □ Reconfigurable hardware -One hardware block used to implement more than one function □ Special-purpose computation engines -Hardware dedicated to solving one problem (or class of problems) -Accelerators attached to general-purpose computers (e.g., in a cell phone!)

16 SEQUENTIAL PLD Output Logic Macrocell (OLM) combinational config registered config product term invert output? D F/F

17 Difference between CPLD & FPGA
Sr. No. CPLD FPGA 1. Complex Programmable Logic Device Field Programmable Gate Array 2. It is collection PLDs. It is collection of CLBs. Gate density up to gates 1000-few hundred 1000s gates 4. Interconnection wise it is complex so called as CPLD. Programmable at field or site so called as FPGA. 5. PAL like blocks used as PLDs. CLBs used as building blocks. 6. AND-OR arrays are there in PAL like blocks. LUTs are there in CLBs. 7. Configuration context is stored in ROM. Configuration context is stored in RAM. 8. Configuration context is Non-volatile. Configuration context is volatile.

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