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Muscle Diversity Muscle Anatomy of the Human Body Types of Body Movement.

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1 Muscle Diversity Muscle Anatomy of the Human Body Types of Body Movement

2 Muscle Diversity Muscle Anatomy of the Human Body Types of Body Movement

3 Muscle is derived from the Latin word, mus, meaning “little mouse”  b/c flexing muscles look like mice scurrying beneath the skin.  there are 600+ muscles in a human body. They are grouped into 3 types : Skeletal muscle – are muscle fibres that attach to the body’s skeleton. It helps form smoother body contour. Cardiac muscle – are muscle fibres that form the heart and its chamber walls. Smooth muscle – are muscle fibres that form the walls of hollow organs in our body. Eg. stomach, bladder etc…

4 Characteristic Skeletal Cardiac Smooth 1. Body location - Attached to bones or to skin on face - Walls of the heart- Walls of other hollow organs 2. Cell shape & appearance - single, very long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate - branching chains of cells, striated, and uninucleated - single, fusiform, no striations, and uninucleate 3. Regulation of contraction - voluntary; control via nervous system - involuntary; heart has pacemaker; NS - involuntary; NS; hormone, chemicals

5 Producing movement is a common function of ALL muscle types  muscle contraction and relaxation Skeletal muscle has three (3) additional functions: Maintaining Posture – skeletal muscles almost continuously making small adjustment after another we can have an erected posture despite being pulled by gravity. Stabilizing Joints – muscle tendons keep joints in place. Generating Heat – muscle uses ATP as energy to power contraction. Much of this escapes as heat which helps maintaining normal body temperature.

6 Frontalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Deltoid Pectoralis major Biceps Rectus abdominis Brachioradialis Rectus femoris Fibularis longus Gastrocnemius Biceps femoris Gluteus maximus Triceps

7 Body movement occurs when muscles contract across a joint.  This means that the type of movement depends on the mobility/type of joint & how muscle is attached across that joint. Every muscle (600+) anchors to 2 ends.  One is called: origin (on immovable bone)  Other is called: insertion (movable bone) When muscle contracts, the insertion moves toward the origin. Some muscles have multiple origins and/or insertions. These combinations increase the flexibility of body movements.

8 1.Flexion – a movement that decreases the angle of the joint and bring two bones closer together. 2.Extension – a movement that increases the angle or distance. If it is greater than 180 degree, it is called hyperextension.

9 3.Rotation – movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis. This normally involves the ball-and-socket joints. 4.Supination & Pronation – rotation at the wrist to palm either facing up or down. 5.Dorsifexion & Plantar flexion – up and down movement of the foot at the ankle.

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