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Welcome to Reception Parents’ information evening 18 th June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception Parents’ information evening 18 th June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception Parents’ information evening 18 th June 2015

2 Starting school This evening we hope to: Give you an overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage Share key information and dates Answer any questions you have about your child starting school

3 What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the stage of education for children from the age of three to the end of the Reception year. The EYFS Curriculum is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.

4 Early Years Foundation Stage Communication and language Physical development Literacy Personal, social and emotional development Understanding the World Mathematics Expressive arts and design

5 Monitoring Progress Each of the seven areas of learning has its own set of ‘Early Learning Goals’ which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the end of Reception Class. e.g. Understanding ‘Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.’

6 Coming to school Encouraging independence Talking and playing together Helping mathematical thinking and talking Rhymes, stories and reading Drawing and writing

7 The first few weeks We will find out what your child already knows and can do and will use this information to help us develop an individual learning programme for each child.

8 Term One Getting along with other children Making friends Understanding likes and dislikes Sharing Becoming independent Taking responsibility for your actions

9 Adults setting standards We have the highest expectations of all children These we will be encourage through play and interaction with others Rules Freedom to experiment, explore and enjoy learning

10 Parents Partnership Regular contact Open door policy Parent helpers

11 Taster sessions Monday 22 nd June Group 1 visit Cherry 9.30 – 10.30 am Tuesday 23 rd June Group 2 visit Cherry 9.30 – 10.30 am Wednesday 24 th June Group 3 visit Cherry 9.30 – 10.30 am Welcome to stay Opportunity to ask questions Opportunity for the children to explore their new surroundings

12 Home – School visits Thursday 3 rd – Monday 7 th September An opportunity to meet to discuss any personal concerns or worries as well as discussing achievements and personal interests that your child has. Time for your child to meet their teacher and teaching assistant

13 September – the big start Tuesday 8 th September Group 1 9.00 – 11.30am Tuesday 8 th September Group 2 12.30 – 3.00pm Wednesday 9 th September Group 3 9.00 – 11.30am Thursday 10 th SeptemberWhole Class9.00 - 11.30am

14 What do I need? School uniform Book bag PE kit Wellies and raincoat

15 Whole class Thursday 10 th and Friday 11 th September 9am – 11.30am Monday 14 th Sept until Friday 25 th Sept 8.50am – 1.15pm Monday 28 th Sept attend full time 8.50am – 3.15pm

16 Reminders Name EVERYTHING! Please bring in any necessary paperwork - –birth certificate –fruit and vegetable forms –menu –contact sheet –Parent mail

17 Summer Fayre - Saturday 4 th July 2-4pm Open school - Wednesday 15 th July 3.30-5pm Term break - Wednesday 21 st Oct – Friday 30 th Oct Important dates:

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