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 In 5 minutes write down as many drugs as you can think of!

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2  In 5 minutes write down as many drugs as you can think of!

3  A substance that changes the way the body or mind works.  Medicine- Drug used to prevent or cure illness, disease, or relieve pain.  Prescription drug- Medicine obtained only with a written order from a doctor  Over-the-counter drug- Medicine that can be purchased without a prescription.

4  Stimulants- Speed up body’s functions. Increase heart rate and blood pressure (alert and awake)  Depressants- Slow the body’s functions. Decrease heart rate and blood pressure (relax muscles, make sleepy)  Narcotics- Slow down the nervous system and relieve pain.  Hallucinogens- Change sensation. See and hear things that are not real.

5  Marijuana- Affects mood and short term memory.  Anabolic steroids- Increase muscle size and strength.  Inhalants- Chemicals that are breathed.

6  What makes a drug legal vs. illegal?  An illegal drug is a drug for which possession, manufacture, and sale is against the law.  A controlled drug is a drug for which possession, manufacture, and sale is regulated by law.

7  By mouth  By injection- into a muscle or blood vessel  By inhalation- mouth or nose  By absorption- through the skin or mucous membranes

8  Dose- amount of drug taken at one time  Weight- The more a person weighs the greater the dose needed  Physical health- Drug has greater effect on someone with poor health  Age- A young person or older person might get an increased effect  Emotional state- Feelings can influence the drug  Use of other drugs- Having another drug in the body can change the effects of a drug

9  Side effect- Unwanted reaction to the drug  Tolerance- Condition in which increasing amounts of the drug are needed to produce the desired effects.  Withdrawal symptom- Unpleasant reaction when a drug is no longer taken

10  Drug abuse- Using a harmful drug on purpose  Drug misuse- harmful use of drugs that is not done on purpose  Drug dependence- Repeated drug use that harms the mind, body, and relationships (Physical and psychological)  Responsible drug use- Correct use of legal drugs to promote health  Risk factor- Something that increases the chance of a negative outcome  Protective factor- Something that increases the chance of a positive outcome

11  Physical Risks  Chronic disease and organ damage  Decreased energy and endurance  Weakened immune system  Injury

12  ADDICTION  Depression  Inability to concentrate  Reduced ambition  Unstable mood

13  Social withdrawal  Stress on family and friends  Poor performance at work/school  Trouble with the law

14  Reinforcement- User has all desired results with few or no consequences. The belief is that use is fun and rewarding and cannot cause harm.  Tolerance- The body becomes used to the drug and needs greater amounts to get the desired effect.  Dependency- Signs of withdrawal begin to show.  Addiction- Severe withdrawal becomes progressively worse.

15  If someone begins using a substance after the age of 18, he or she can develop an addiction within 5 to 15 years  If someone begins using a substance between the ages of 13 and 17, he or she can develop an addiction within 5 to 15 months  If someone begins using a substance before the age of 13, he or she can develop an addiction within 5 to 15 weeks

16  Tamper-resistant package- Unbroken seal. Don’t use if it have been opened.  Pharmacist- Professional who distributes prescription drugs  Know what your taking, when to take it, and how much to take !!!!!!!!  Use resistance skills. SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get Help

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