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Management and Coordination of the Philippine Statistical System ROMEO S. RECIDE Director Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Bureau of Agricultural Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Management and Coordination of the Philippine Statistical System ROMEO S. RECIDE Director Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Bureau of Agricultural Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management and Coordination of the Philippine Statistical System ROMEO S. RECIDE Director Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Philippines Philippines By:

2 PSS is highly decentralized.....  organizations involved in statistics were born out of the needs for -- evidence-based planning and decision- making across various administrative units in the government bureaucracy at national and sub-national levels

3 PSS is highly decentralized.....  organizations with different goals and sub- goals  National Statistics Office  Bureau of Agricultural Statistics  Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics  Government Departments  Statistical Research and Training Center  Academe

4 PSS is highly decentralized..... And thus...  need for coordination to: -- minimize duplication -- minimize duplication -- promote coherence & efficiency -- promote coherence & efficiency in the conduct of statistical activities in the conduct of statistical activities

5 The National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)....  EO 121 tasked the NCSB as the agency responsible for horizontal coordination with the various statistical organizations within the national government’s administrative hierarchy, and  EO 135 mandated the NSCB to be responsible for vertical coordination within the local statistical systems.

6 Powers and Functions of NSCB Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government statistics; Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government statistics; Promote and maintain an efficient statistical system in the government; Promote and maintain an efficient statistical system in the government; Formulate policies on all matters relating to government statistical operations; Recommend executive and legislative measures to enhance the development and efficiency of the system, including the internal structure of statistical agencies; Recommend executive and legislative measures to enhance the development and efficiency of the system, including the internal structure of statistical agencies; Establish appropriate mechanisms for statistical coordination at the regional, provincial and city levels; Establish appropriate mechanisms for statistical coordination at the regional, provincial and city levels; Approve the Philippine Statistical Development Program;

7 Allocate statistical responsibilities among government agencies by designating the statistics to be collected by them, including their periodicity and content; Allocate statistical responsibilities among government agencies by designating the statistics to be collected by them, including their periodicity and content; Review budgetary proposals involving statistical operations and submit an integrated budget for the PSS to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM); Review budgetary proposals involving statistical operations and submit an integrated budget for the PSS to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM); Review and clear, prior to release, all funds for statistical operations; Review and clear, prior to release, all funds for statistical operations; Develop, prescribe, and maintain appropriate frameworks for the improvement of statistical coordination; and Develop, prescribe, and maintain appropriate frameworks for the improvement of statistical coordination; and Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government statistics. Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government statistics.

8 Structure of the NSCB (Board)....  Composed of undersecretaries of 20 different Departments, heads of National Statistics Office and Statistical Research and Training Centers and Secretary General of NSCB Technical Staff Chaired by the Director-General of NEDA  Chaired by the Director-General of NEDA  Vice Chaired by Undersecretary of DBM; With Representatives from private sector and Local Government Units ( thru their organizations)  With Representatives from private sector and Local Government Units ( thru their organizations) The NSCB meets every quarter.  The NSCB meets every quarter.

9 Under EO 121, NSCB Technical Staff is tasked to... - provide technical and secretariat support to the NSCB; - serve as the statistical clearing house and liaison for international statistical matters; - perform other functions as may be assigned by the NSCB and as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of Executive Order 121 - perform other functions as may be assigned by the NSCB and as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of Executive Order 121 The NSCB Technical Staff... - headed by a Secretary-General who is an ex-officio member of the NSCB

10  The Standards and Classification Systems e.g., e.g., Philippine Standard Occupation Classification (PSOC); Philippine Standard Commodity Classification (PSCC); Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC); and Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC); Philippine Standard Occupation Classification (PSOC); Philippine Standard Commodity Classification (PSCC); Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC); and Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC);  The Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System (SSRCS) – a process thru which all surveys and censuses to be conducted are reviewed and approved before they can be conducted. Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....

11  The Policy Resolutions of the NSCB – a compilation of policy issuances of the NSCB as the highest policy-making body on statistical matters;  The Philippine Statistical Development Program – a five-year rolling blueprint of statistical activities to be undertaken by the PSS that articulates the data requirements of the Philippine Medium-Term Development Plan;  The System of Designated Statistics (SDS) – a mechanism laid out thru EO 352 that lists the most critical and essential statistical activities and statistics that should be generated by the PSS;

12  The Interagency Committees and Technical Working Groups to address specific/sectoral statistical issues with representation from concerned groups, including the academe and the private sector;  The Statistical Frameworks – frameworks and indicator systems such as the System of National Accounts (SNA), Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development (StatDev); Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....  The Subnational Statistical Coordination Committees – multi- sectoral committees formed at the subnational level to provide direction in the development of subnational statistical systems with guidance from policy issuances of the NSCB;

13  The Government Statistics Accessibility Program (GSAP) to promote best practices in information dissemination -- dissemination of Advance Release Calendars, -- development and maintenance of metadata on PSS products  The conduct of statistical advocacy activities e.g. e.g. -- National Statistics Month (every October); and -- National Statistics Month (every October); and -- National Convention on Statistics (held every three years) -- National Convention on Statistics (held every three years) Mechanisms for statistical coordination.....

14 As a coordination tool..... - the NSCB Technical Staff is engaged in the compilation of the national accounts; - the NSCB Technical Staff is engaged in the compilation of the national accounts; - the NSCB Technical Staff is also undertaking the estimation of poverty statistics; and - both the national accounts and poverty statistics are designated statistics.

15 Issues regarding coordination of the PSS…  representation and participation in the Board  presence of NSCB Technical Staff only in 10 out of 16 regions  lack of clear guidelines in managing the processes and outputs of IACs, TCs, TFs

16 Recent developments..... - the NSCB created a Special Committee to review the PSS; - the NSCB created a Special Committee to review the PSS; - the Special Committee has submitted its recommendations in the form of draft statistics legislation; and - draft bills are being debated in the Senate and Lower House of Congress. *Reorganization with creation of a Statistical Advisory Council. *Reorganization with creation of a Statistical Advisory Council.


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