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The Human Services Worker, Pt. II Street Ministry 101- Greg Bohall M.S., C.R.C., CADC-II.

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Services Worker, Pt. II Street Ministry 101- Greg Bohall M.S., C.R.C., CADC-II."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Services Worker, Pt. II Street Ministry 101- Greg Bohall M.S., C.R.C., CADC-II

2 Introduction  What is your name?  What kinds of things are you hoping to accomplish in life?  What causes you stress?  What do you like to do for fun?  Who do you look up to as a role model?

3 Stress…  Stress: Any reaction or response made by the body to a new situation.  Stressor: A situation or an event that causes a body to react (causes stress).  Distress: Negative stress, the kind felt during an illness or when going through a divorce  Eustress: Positive stress, the kind felt when playing tennis or attending a family gathering. (Lamberton & Minor, 2010)

4 Emotions…  A complex pattern of changes, including physiological arousal, feelings, cognitive processes, and behavioral reactions made in response to a situation perceived to be personally significant (  For example emotions are happiness, anger, love, anxiety, hopeful, fear, grief, etc.  Emotions are not feelings.  “gut” feelings, frustration, guilty, confident, excited

5 Emotions…(continued)  Emotional Intelligence (EI): The ability to see and control your own emotions and to understand the emotional states of other people.  Emotional Competence: A learned capability based on emotional intelligence; results in outstanding performance at work.  Emotional Mind: A powerful and impulsive awareness; an ability to perceive emotions. (Lamberton & Minor, 2010)

6 S.M.A.R.T. Goals  Specific  Has a better chance of being accomplished than a general goal.  Who, what, where, when…  Measurable  Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward each goal.  How much? How many?  Attainable  Is this something that can be done?  Figure out ways to make the goal come true

7 S.M.A.R.T. Goals (continued)  Relevant  Make sure goals are consistent with other goals  They lead to your immediate and long term goals  Timely  Set a target date of completion (Meyer, 2003)

8 Goal Setting (continued)  Long Term Goals (usually one)  A description of what you want for the future  Ex: Graduate college, get rich, get married  Short Term Goals (usually one or very few)  These are set to reach the long term goal  Actions Taken (usually many)  These are the steps to complete a short term goal

9 Life Areas  Medical  Social  Family  Legal  Housing  Mental health  Substance Use  Employment  Education  Stress Management

10 Ethics in Decision Making  Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence  Strive to take care of those who you are treating and take care to do no harm.  Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility  Establish relationships of trust with those with whom you work with.  Uphold professional conduct, explain your role, manage conflicts.  Principle C: Integrity  Promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in practice.

11 Ethics in Decision Making (continued)  Principle D: Justice  Fairness, give all persons access and benefit from your help.  Principle E: Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity  Respect the worth of all people and their right to privacy. (APA, 2010)

12 References American Psychological Association (2010). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Lamberton, L. H. & Minor, L. (2010). Human relations, strategies for success (4 th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Meyer, P. J. (2003). Attitude is everything. Paul J. Meyer Resources.

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